19. Mine

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A/N: Highly recommend going to youtube and searching 'music but you're in the bathroom at a party' to listen to while reading the first half of the chapter (I'm partial to the Euphoria playlist myself). Really just sets the mood but of course, only a suggestion. As always, a huge thank you to my editor, best friend and sister Madi for her help with this chapter! Enjoy, loves!


"It went too fast!"


"Too fast! Break went by too fast!"

"Ohhh, yeah. It did!"

You sank back to your side of the table, turning to look out over the sea of writhing bodies and strobing club lights. You were trying to be present. This was your first time out in weeks and you wanted to enjoy it...but your thoughts began to drift anyway.

The heels you picked were too high, the air was too warm and it was just so fucking...loud. Were these places always like this? You couldn't remember. Maz's isn't this loud, that you knew for sure. The image of you curled up in the den with your sweatshirt and a glass of wine flashed through your mind, the faintest hint of longing sparking deep in your chest. An easy, quiet, night with--

No, nope. This is exactly why you came out tonight. You needed to at least pretend that you could go a few hours without thinking about him.

"I come bearing drinks!"

"Oh thank god," you mumbled to yourself, claiming your vodka soda nearly as soon as Finn set it down on the table. "Thank you!"

"And for you," you could barely hear him over the thrum of the music but the saccharine tone of his voice somehow managed to cut to your ear regardless. Deep brown eyes beamed as he eased a glass of neon green liquid towards Rey. "Something fruity, as requested!"

You grabbed Finn's sleeve, dragging him close enough so that he could hear you, "what the fuck is that?"

"Liquid marijuana!" The muscles in your face twitched as he yelled in your ear. "Shit, sorry," his voice softer this time.

"Finn! That has like 4 different liquors in it...she doesn't drink. I told you something simple!"

"I mean...she looks like she's enjoying it..."

Your head snapped towards Rey, alarmed to find that her drink had been sucked down by about a quarter. Even with her lips pursed tight around the little black straw, you could see her smile, her shoulders wiggling in a happy little dance.

"Shit," you sighed, your eyes dragging over to a fully enamored Finn.

The way he looked at her, smitten and completely unafraid of who saw, it lanced something through you. It was cold and sharp, something that pricked at the edges of your skin. Not quite jealousy but....

Good god, you're pathetic.

"Fine," you yelled, your eyes flitting between the lovestruck couple. He'd already started to gravitate closer to her, your hand jutting out and wrenching him back, forcing his body to collapse until his ear was level with your mouth again. "But when she forgets how to walk, you're taking her home!"

"Deal!" Your eyes met for a moment, a familiar smile exchanged between friends, before you both turned back to Rey.

Your eyes popped when you saw her drink was already half gone.

"Alright," you yelled to her, your hand landing atop her glass and easing it away, "take it easy, killer."


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