Chapter 12: Getting Acquainted

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"Kat in front,"


After their introduction, and Aizawa saying they could ask questions, the class burst at the chance to get to know Izuku's friends.

At all of the yelling, Ruka was getting annoyed. She could see them giving Ki a headache, and she's always been protective of her friends.

"SHUT UP! SPEAK ONE AT A TIME!" She yelled, forcing everyone to be quiet.

She could see Ki, and Yoru, since Ki's their boyfriend, both sending thankful looks.

The class all had their hands raised, but the group only planned to choose a couple of people, since they're lazy.

"Uhhh...fuckin Kermit over there," Ruka said, pointing over at Tsu.

"Do you have a leader for your group, kero?" She asked.

"Uh, we're a gang, not a group. Get it right," Ro said with a huff.

"Anyways. Yeah, Haru is like the official gang leader, but everyone listens to Izu more," Shu explained, causing Tsu to nod.

"Sonic over there! Your turn!" Yoru said, cheerfully pointing at Iida.

"EVEN IF IT IS FOR YOUR QUIRK IS IS UNHEROIC FOR A HERO IN TRAINING TO GET PIERCINGS THEY CAN DAMA-" Iida yelled out, standing from his seat and waving his arms, making the gang, and most of the class, annoyed.

Thankfully, he was cut off by a piece of tape, courtesy of the one and only Sero.

"Thank you, flex tape. As for you, sonic. Isn't it unheroic for a hero in training to believe shitty rumors that are obviously false and then make someone leave a whole ass country because of your stupidity?" Yoru said seriously, making Iida open and close his mouth like a fish, before sitting in his seat with an embarrassed look.

"Good," Yoru said with a huff, before going back to hugging Ki and putting their face into their boyfriend's neck for comfort.

"Kat in front," Haru said, looking at Katsuki, causing the class to still in their seats since he just called the resident bomb 'cat'. They also didn't know that Katsuki knew Izuku's boyfriend.

Katsuki just huffed and asked his question, "how long are you dumbasses staying in Japan for?"

It was Izuku's turn to answer, "O-Only ab-about a month o-or two, K-Kacchan!" Izuku said cheerfully, making the gang smile softly at him.

Katsuki, for all that the class was surprised, actually looked kind of upset that they weren't staying longer.

"B-But, we'll b-be living i-in the d-dorms w-with you g-guys! S-So we'll s-see each other e-everyday!" Izuku chirped, making Katsuki feel a little better.

"Speaking of the dorms, you all have the rest of the day to go unpack. I've informed the rest of your teachers," Aizawa said, before turning to the rest of the class, "this includes all of you. Now go."

The gang left as the class was processing the information.

They were already at the dorms by the time the class ran towards the door.


Because of the lack of dorms, the gang had to have a roommate, which wasn't really a problem since most of them share rooms at home anyway.

Izuku and Haru did a galaxy themed room, which the gang loved.

Yami and Ruka did a rose-themed room, mostly because Yami loved the roses Ruka grew and Ruka was a simp.

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