Chapter 2: The past part 1

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"Ok, let's go guys, Izu needs us."



Deku didn't know when his life started to fall apart.

For him, life was always full of pain and misery. Every time he thought that his situation couldn't get worse, life always seemed to prove him wrong.

He was born to Inko and Hisashi Midoriya.

His mother always told him that before they were married, Hisashi was a kind man who put others before himself, but that he changed when they found out that she was pregnant.

Hisashi never wanted kids: he thought kids were too dumb and a waste of time.

So he thought that Inko disobeyed him by getting pregnant.

He doesn't like it when people disobeyed him.

He started yelling at her for the littlest of things, like if dinner's not ready on time or too much dust on the counter.

When the baby was born, he thought it was the ugliest thing.

He didn't want to be near the baby, so he let his wife name him. He was named Izuku Midoriya.

He would always call the boy "it," as he didn't want to acknowledge that he had Hisashi's DNA.

To punish Inko for birthing it, he started hitting her.

After the first slap, he became addicted. He didn't know that it would feel this good, so he started doing it more and more. Inko couldn't even leave the house without an hour of applying makeup to cover the bruises beforehand.

By the time little Deku was two, Hisashi had started hitting him too. He couldn't stand the sight of the little boy that inherited his unruly hair, or the galaxy of freckles that painted his skin from the cheeks to his shoulders.

After the first month of being hit, the boy stopped crying for help and just accepted it in silence.

When Deku was three years old, a year before he developed his quirk, life wanted him to suffer more than before.

He and his beloved mother were driving towards the flower store because it was Inko's birthday soon, and they both loved flowers.

Their favorite flowers were spider lilies.

They were at a red light waiting for it to change when a speeding car came and turned into their car, crashing in the side. It killed Inko instantly. Shards of glass shrapnel embedded themselves into her body, rupturing almost every vital organ. Her skull caved in, causing traumatic brain damage which is fatal by itself.

Deku felt pain erupt through his body as a piece of debris hit him in the back of his head, which is when he passed out.

The car was flipped on its side on the edge of the road. Paramedics, ambulances, police cars, and local heroes arrived on the scene. As they were trying to figure out how to get the car's passengers out safely, the vehicle exploded.

Through the smoke, they could make out a figure on its hands and knees above the car's remains. When the smoke cleared a bit, everyone on the scene could see the monster.

It looked like a black void in the shape of a small body, with two white circles on its face area that look to be its eyes. When it looked into the camera, it sent shivers down everyone's spines.

Until it collapsed and revealed itself to be a small child.

Deku awakened his quirk that day, a year early due to excessive trauma.

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