Chapter 7: The fight

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"...I'm dating Izu now,"



As Izuku was changing, he could feel the eyes of the other boys in the locker room burning into his scarred back.

Trembling, Izuku stared into his empty locker trying to block out the feeling. Haru, noticing his boyfriend's nerves, took his hand and rubbed his thumb over Izuku's knuckles, their silent way of asking if the other was ok.

Izuku just smiled wobbly at him and nodded subtly, going back to continue changing.

Izuku shut his locked softly, not liking loud noises, and made his way to the exit with Haru, as they were the first ones to finish.

Walking towards the field, hand in hand, Izuku and Haru hear a loud, "WAIT FOR US YOU FUCKS!"

Izuku and Haru twisted slightly and saw Yoru carrying Ki over their shoulder like a bag of potatoes.

"Yoru when you put me down I'm going to make you sleep for 100 years," Ki said, voice monotone but eyes flaming with anger.

Yoru just laughed a little and ran towards Haru and Izuku, crashing into Haru's body causing the two boys and 1 non-binary person to crash onto the floor while Izuku stands over them and giggles.

"YORU GET OFF OF ME!" Haru yelled, earning a laugh from Yoru, who was just laying on Haru and Ki like a weighted blanket.

"Come on Yoru, please get off of him," Izuku asked sweetly, gently picking them up physically.

"Alright, since you asked so nicely Izu, I'll listen to you," Yoru said, getting up from the ground and smiling sweetly at Izu, before sticking their tongue at the two boys on the ground.

"Why am I dating you again?" Ki asked, sitting up and rubbing his head.

"Probably my charm," Yoru said, putting his hand underneath their chin like one of those villainesses from mangas.

"...I'm dating Izu now," Ki said, standing up and walking over to Izuku, who's just giggling, and drapes his arms around his shoulders, burying his face into Izuku's soft neck.

"OI! HANDS OFF!" Haru said, rushing to get up, before running towards the two boys and quickly shoves Ki into Yoru, off of Izuku, and buries his own face into Izuku's neck.

"Guys please, there's enough of me to go around," Izuku giggles, stroking Haru's glistening hair.


The three guys and 1 non-binary person turns and saw Ro walking up with Yami, Ruka, and Shu, two of which looked annoyed, one exasperated, and one amused.

"Can we just get to the field, please," Yami said, sounding so done with everyone's bullshit.

Izuku giggled and started dragging Haru towards the field.

"Let's go!"


"Alright peeps, let's get this started," Hawks said, flying around casually.

"I'll be calling out names and then we'll fight hand to hand combat one on one. Got it?" Hawks explained, flying down to the ground and landing in the middle of the white-painted circle on the ground.

Hawks used his feathers to bring himself a piece of paper straight to his hands, before starting to read out the names in alphabetical order.

"Sarah Johansen?" She was quickly defeated by him.

"Mathew Lui?" He lasted a little longer but was still defeated.

"Steven Gregor?" He lasted less time than Mathew but more time than Sarah."

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