1. Scotch

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Tonight you found your crowd of regulars mingling with a whole lot of new faces you didn't recognize. 

Usually the influx of strangers would be a cause for annoyance, more new people meant more drunk dudes trying to hit on you or even worse--trying to make you laugh.

But tonight was different. 

It was the last Friday before the start of the winter semester so most of the new faces were too busy talking amongst themselves to bother you. The nearly double in tips you made tonight didn't hurt either.

You were about a third of the way through your shift, busy trying to understand a too drunk girl who, you think was ordering another tequila sunrise? You made her one, sans the tequila and told her it was on the house before you started cleaning up your station, mindlessly wiping down the counter when you noticed him. He was tall, very tall, and handsome; thick dark hair kissing his jawline. His eyes met yours and for some reason you felt yourself falter under his gaze. You watched as he made his way towards you, body buzzing with nervous excitement as he sat himself in your section.

You swallowed hard, internally chastising yourself. It wasn't like you to get nervous with new customers. Taking a moment to collect yourself, you motioned to Finn, pointing to the drunk girl who was practically asleep on her stool. He nodded, skillfully maneuvering through the crowd to come keep an eye on her. 

Babysitting definitely wasn't part of his job description as a bouncer but he liked you and was an all around good guy so he helped you keep an eye on your patrons. Particularly the more vulnerable ones like tequila sunrise over here. 

He smiled at you as he took his spot behind her, giving you a nod; your unspoken go-ahead.

'I got this.'

You turned away, quickly adjusting your cleavage in your low cut top (anything to get those tips) before turning to greet your sultry customer. To your annoyance, though definitely not surprise, you saw your coworker Aurra sauntering over to him.

She tilted her head, puffing her chest just slightly, "hi! Welcome to Maz's! I'm-"

"In my section," you spit, cutting her off. She turned to you as you plastered a large fake smile across your face, making it a point to bat your eyelashes at her. She rolled her eyes as she walked away and you stepped up to take her place, turning your attention to mister tall, dark and handsome. "Hi," you cooed, reaching out to shake his hand, introducing yourself. You allowed yourself a subtle onceover, noticing the extremely nice watch that was peeking out from beneath the cuff of his suit jacket.

 You leaned in a little closer, playfully squeezing your tits together just enough to catch his eye. "What can I get you?"

"What kind of Scotch do you have?" his velvet timbre sending a chill down your spine. 

You were convinced he was getting hotter by the second...if that was even possible.

You shook your head, preparing to disappoint him, "oh baby, this is a shitty college bar. We've got bourbon but that's about as good as it gets." 

You were flirting, unabashedly so but he didn't seem to mind.

He let out a resigned chuckle, nodding his head as his eyes narrowed at you, "I'll take whatever you got."

You shot him a quick wink before turning around, reaching for the nicest bottle of whisky you had to offer. You could have sworn you felt his eyes on you, trailing down your back, watching your every move. You made it a point to keep your back to him just a little bit longer than you normally would have, letting him savor the view. When you turned around, you found your intuition to be correct, his eyes glued to you, large fingers pressed to his perfectly sumptuous lips. You felt yourself blush as you prepared his drink, gently sliding across the counter to him. 

Pleasure and Pain (Professor Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now