{Sᴋᴀᴛɪɴɢ Fᴏᴏʟs}

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After walking for 30 minutes you all finally reached the roller rink.

"Finally!" You said relieved.

"Yea it took y'all long enough to get here." Tsukishima added.

"Well if Kuroo would've stopped SNATCHING my PSP we wouldn't have had this PROBLEM." Kenma spat.

"And if Hinata didn't trip and scrapped his knee we would've been fine." Kageyama shouted trying to make Hinata feel bad.

"Sorry, but it's partly my fault since Bokuto kept getting distracted by the stuff in the shop windows." Akaashi apologized.

You sighed, "it's fine guys. We're here not aren't we so let's just head on in." You started to make your way to the door but first you just realized something. You turned around, stuck your pointing finger in the air and asked, "wait do any of you even know how to roller skate."

Every single one of them turned their head towards you and just stared dumb-founded. But then Akaashi and Hinata raised their hands.

"That's it?!? So you're telling me the rest of you agreed to come but don't know how to roller skate."

"Uh yea pretty much." Kenma rolled his eyes.

"To be quite honest, I didn't even listen to what you said I just came", Tsukishima said putting his hands in his pockets.

You nervously laughed, "I guess there's a first time for everything."

After that you headed inside and everyone rented roller blades.

After that you headed inside and everyone rented roller blades

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"...oh and don't be afraid to use the handle bars along the side of the rink if you can't stop yourself."

You just got done showing the boys how to skate and what to do while they sat on the bench for the past 10 minutes.

You clasped your hands together, "Alright let's see what you got."

Everyone stood up and Kenma immediately fell on his face while Akaashi struggled to keep Bokuto standing upwards.

"Hahaha jeez Kenma you suck." You laughed.

"Shut up ~whore~." Kenma said in disgust.

You stood in the same spot the whole time keeping an eye on everyone making sure they were doing ok. 'Oh boy, how I do be feeling like the mother of the group right now but idc.'

Kageyama got the hang up it after he unintentionally chased Hinata around the rink. Bokuto literally will not fall over, it's like it's physically impossible for him to or something but he's still getting there. Kenma is getting dragged by Kuroo who is shuffling his skates but not moving anywhere. 'I mean I could help them... but I would rather not-.'

Then you realized where tf is Tsukishima. You look around rapidly. 'What they heck did he LEAVE.'

"Looking for me?" Tsukishima said mockingly sitting on the bench behind you. "You know I've been here the whole time right?"

"Uh no." You replied as if it was obvious. "Why aren't you skating, literally everyone else is having fun and you're just sitting there all depressed."

"Tsk. If you think I'm going out there, then you're wrong. You all just look like fool, it's disgusting." He said monotonously.

"So? Who cares if you look like a fool? Literally no one. Just look at Bokuto and Akaashi, their having the time of their lives right now and this is the first time I've ever seen Akaashi smile and he's had a stoic face expression all day."

Tsukishima looks at the people I was talking about and then looks away. "Whatever. I'm still not skating."

Just then the light go out and the disco lights come on. Music starts jamming louder and that when you knew stuff what about to get a lot more fun. But who wants to skate by their self?

"You're skating with me whether you like it or not." You grab Tsukishima's arm with both of your hands and try to pull him upwards but he barely budges. You yank even harder only to fall on your ass, and be laughed at by Tsukishima.

"I honestly don't see what's funny, after all it's your fault and you're just a mood killer", You sternly said while getting up after retying your skates.

You stare at him in the dim room before finally giving up and turning to step into the rink.

"Ok wait." You heard him say. "I'll go but I'm going to fall so you're going to have to hold me up."

You turned around smiling, brighter than any disco light in the room. "I know, and that's ok you can just lean on me, but just don't crush me."

You helped him stand up and you put one of his arm around your shoulder while you used one of your arms to rest on his back for support.

"Ok well you gotta move your feet in order to move," you joked. "Just pretend like you're stomping until we get into the rink, like this." You stomped forward and soon after he stomped and you both eventually made your way into the rink.

"Ok now just try push your feet off like you're gliding." You tried demonstrating but then some show off came zooming by causing you to fall along with Tsukishima.

"Ok first of all, ouch, second of all get up, and third of all who the fu-..." You started saying clearly pissed off.

"Calm down candlestick, you had one job and that was to keep me up and you couldn't even do that yourself." He smirked and you yanked him back up.

"It's not my fault that you're big bird wannabe self can't do something as simple as skating." You complained.

"It's too much work." He defended.

"Too much work for you. And if anything your just making this 10x harder for me because you can't even do what I'm showing you properly." You rambled.

"Yea well maybe if you were a good teacher I would be able to understand, but you're all over the place. I'm surprised you haven't pulled me around the rink like the good little princess you are." He scoffed.

"Don't call me that, it's creepy." You stated.

"What's the matter, the princess doesn't like her title." He smirked while tilting your chin up so you met his gaze. "So tell me princess~ what shall we do now."

A/N: writing this gives me butterflies 🦋 oooo to be able to absolutely rail this man 😄 I wish. Also this gives me such teenagers in a coming of age movie vibe idk but yea 🤸‍♀️

A Burden { Tsukishima x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now