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The walk home wasn't sad. You were happy because you got to slap the bitch. 'If I was going to get disbanded I should've just punched the hell out of her.' You clenched your fists.

You looked up to the darkening sky, admiring the sky. Night time was your favorite, and you didn't want to go home just yet to you walked to the lake that was 10 minutes past your house.

At the lake you sat down on a tall rock, swaying your legs. Head tilted back, eyes staring deep into the sky.

'Man I love night time. The air is so crisp and calming. The taste is so mature and heartfelt.'

You stayed there for a bit before heading home.

~time skip~

You decided not to go to school, you wanted the day to yourself and plus if you did got you would have to deal with the antagonizing Mari, who is probably boasting at the fact her little act got you booted from the team.

You texted your Mom asking her if you could stay home because you felt 'sick'. Which wasn't entirely false, you were sick of bitches and bitches be bonkers.

She texted you an 'Ok'.

Your mom trusted you. She knew if you weren't really sick you would have a good reason for skipping school, and you were happy for that.

Anyways, after getting confirmation you went back to sleep.


You woke up again seeing it was about lunch time, so you freshened up and went downstairs to eat so you didn't starve.

After eating you sat on the couch continuing watching Yona of the Dawn 'i swear if this girl doesn't marry one of them-'.

Eventually you got lonely, as always.

So you decided to text someone.

Scrolling through your contacts:

Hinata *scroll*

Kageyama *scroll*

Kenma *click*

Kenma was perfect because he didn't go to your school AND he would totally listen to your ranting.
But then you came to the conclusion that you'd rather video call him since typing everything would be a hassle, but he's probably at school, so you decided to wait.





'Ok finally I should be able to call him.'

*Video calling Kenma*



"Hiiii Kenmaaaaa. How are youuuu."

"I'm good, but what's with the sudden call?"

"I have shit to rant."

"Oh really what happened", Kenma, said while playing on his psp.

You started explain the change in events starting with when you went to the practice game and everything.

Mid way through Kenma actually put his psp down and looked intrigued.

My dude really put his psp down, the world must've stopped spinning or sum.

When you finished speaking there was silence, then Kuroo spoke up ruining the mood.

"Gosh {f/n}, it must be tuff at school", Kuroo said appearing in the camera.

"Kenma! I told you this in confidence, you could've at least told me Kuroo was there too! Although I should've know because it's Kuroo after all."

"Sorry {f/n}, but I was just thinking. You said the girls name is Ito Mari? Because I remember there being some crazy chick who was obsessed with our team here. Although I think she got transferred for stalking Lev."

"Hey I think I know who y'all are talking about", Kuroo butts in the conversation.

"YES! That's her! She said she transferred to Karasuno from Nekoma, although she didn't say for what, and now she's literally running my mood." You exclaim but your pillow.

"Wow {f/n}, it look like you have a real problem on your hand, unfortunately I don't know how to help you", Kuroo says and Kenma nods his head going back to his psp.

You shove your head in your pillow and groan. "Ugh I know guys, but now I'm no longer manager so I can't see you guys. You stick out your bottom lip.

"HUH? WHAT?!?" Kuroo pouts. "Now we gotta help you.

"Wow... really? Maybe getting disbanded isn't so bad. I wouldn't want to see your mountain head ass looking hair anyways", you roast.

"Damn." Kuroo sulks.

"{f/n} fix this", Kenma insists.

"Fix me first!" You complained.

"Jk, it's fine guys, the positive side is that I now have free time after school so I'm ok with it. It's just I wanted to rant about that ~bitch~." You spoke. "Anyways~ goodluck~ Kenma~ and Byeeeee~."

"Wait {f/n} don't g-"


A/N: sorry for the filler but y/n needed to VENT, y/n shoulda beat a bitch up fr fr but we need some turn in events not more drama :D

A Burden { Tsukishima x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now