{Fᴇᴅ Uᴘ}

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After that happened you went to your class and sat down. You glanced at Yamaguchi, catching him off guard he smiles at you. For the first time you smiled back.

You were trying to stop yourself from shutting everyone out. 'There's no way anyone here could possibly figure out my past. I left that all back in America, so there's nothing to worry about,' you were convincing yourself.

Lunch time came and you didn't leave, you stayed. Yamaguchi approached you and asked "[f/n] are you ok? For the past couple days you've just been leaving before I could get the chance to talk to you."

"Oh yea I'm fine now", you nervously giggle.

"Well if you want, me and Tsukki are going to eat lunch outside if you would like to join us", he said while tilting his head toward the blond who was sitting in front of you with his headphones on.

You stared at him for a second before turning back to Yamaguchi and saying, "you know what Yams, I would love to."

Yamaguchi smiled because thats the first time you called him Yams, and you were actually going to eat with them.

You went with them outside and sat down at a table with you on one side, and the two of them across from you.

"Where's your lunch [f/n]-chan," Yams questioned.

"Oh I wasn't expecting to eat lunch today so I didn't bring one..."

Before Yams could say anything, Tsukki just pushed his bento box towards you and mumbled, "you can have my lunch I'm not really that hungry."

"oh thanks", you slowly said.

"How oddly nice of you Tsukki", Yams beamed. "I never expected him to do anything like that [f/n]-chan", you must've caught him on a good day."

You both laughed while Tsukki just sat there listening to music.

You picked up two chopsticks with your left-hand and tried to eat the carrots but you were struggling a bit.

"Are you left-handed?" Yams questioned.

"No, I'm right handed... it's just that I hurt my right arm so I have to use my left hand."

"Oh ok, well if you want I can feed you so you aren't struggling, he shyly said."

Convincingly you said, "no that's not necessary, I-I can do it myself, haha."

"Alright then." The two of you start eating with you still struggling. As you were struggling you didn't notice that Tsukishima was glancing at you every once in a while. You put your chopsticks down in frustration because you could not pick up the dang grape tomato, it just kept rolling around.

Yams looked at you but you reassured him that you were fine by weakly smiling at him. Tsukishima on the other hand did not buy your cowardly smile. So he reached over, picked up the chopsticks, grabbed the tomato and shoved it in your mouth.

Taken aback by his actions, you just stared at him. 'What the fuck.'

"Jeez, you are so helpless. You kept struggling and it was annoying", Tsukishima said monotonously.

You squinted your eyes and glared at him. "Well that's too damn bad, I never said I needed your help", you pouted.

"You stubborn little bitch. I was trying to be nice for once", he said annoyed.

"Tsukki!" Yams said.

"You being nice! Ha! Thats an understatement for a deceiving string bean like you", you mocked sarcastically.

    Yams was trying so hard not to laugh and you were looking at Tsukishima with a smirk, while he shot a glare towards Yamaguchi

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Yams was trying so hard not to laugh and you were looking at Tsukishima with a smirk, while he shot a glare towards Yamaguchi.

Lunch was soon over and all three of you went back to class.

A Burden { Tsukishima x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now