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⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Father issues?

Bursting through the door, you heard the footsteps of the man brushing through room after room of Bokuto's house.

'Bokuto I'm so sorry, it's my fault he's here, it's my fault for all of this.' You internally winced because when you peaked from the kitchen you saw, everyone's stares of confusion as a man carelessly whipped through the rooms of the house in search of yourself.

"Hey." You heard a voice call. "What do you want with {l/n}. You distinguished the voice to be of Tsukishima's.

The man became agitated with the question, and you can here his footsteps approach towards the direction Tsukishima's voice echoed from.

You braved enough courage to peak from the corner again, and you saw your father pulling Tsukishima's collar while eyeing him in the face.

"Don't you DARE ask me what I want with {f/n}. Now I asked YOU to tell me where she is right FUCKING NOW!" He spat in Tsukishima's face, pushing him backwards, and turning to continue his search.

You ducked back behind the wall, and payed your head on the wall, closing your eyes you internally panicked, and you cupped your hands on top of your mouth to muffle your panicky breath.

'I can't just stay here, I have to do something before someone else gets hurt.'

Shakily you stood up, and stood in the hallway.

"I-I'm right here." Your raspy, shaky voice rattled down the hall.

"Hey, dude she's right here." Mari said suddenly appearing from the side.

Your teeth were clenched and your quickened.

"What the hell are you doing here." You said glaring at Mari.

"Oh don't mind me, I'm just here to ruin your life. So anyways I kinda did some digging and found your father and brought him from here from America." She said in a kiddy voice.

"Ahh there you are." You father said, walking towards your with his arms open but stopping just a few feet in front of you.

"Uh {l/n} is everything ok, you heard Yamaguchi say as he approached behind you, following with Kenma, Akaashi and Tsukishima, behind next to him.

You just gave them a minimal nod and turned back to your father.

"I thought you were in prison, how the hell did you get out." You spat toward your father.

"Oh I can answer that." Mari said stepping in front of my father.

"Well you see my family sorta has this thing called money, and I threw a little here and there and here we are now! She giggled.

You felt a soft hand rested gently on your lower back, and when you looked to your right there stood Tsukishima.

"So what do you want with her so badly that you had to come storming into someone else's house like a maniac, screaming {f/n}'s name." Tsukishima calmly questioned your father.

"None of your GOD DAMN BUSINESS!" He replied lunging forward.

"I'm going to ask you both the leave." Akaashi spoke up.

"The hell I'm going to leave. I'm not leaving without my daughter!" He shouted.

"This is not even your house, meaning you're practically intruding into someone else's property", Kenma said annoyed.

"You turned around and spoke, "it's fine guys, I'm going to go with him, don't worry."

"There's NO way you're leaving with him! Yamaguchi complained.

"Guysssss I'm fine, it's my Dad, you guys go have fun and drive back home safe. I'll see you all at school on Monday." You smiled waving at them.

You turned to where Bokuto was standing, "I'm so sorry that I cause such a ruckus in your house, please forgive me." You bowed to Bokuto.

"{f/n} of course I forgive you! But you didn't do anyth-". Bokuto started to speak.

"Yes I did, by me being here I caused all this even if it was unintentional, so please don't tell me it's not my fault, and thank you for the party. I had a lot of fun." You stood up straight again and took one last look at everyone, before you left.

"See you guys!" You walked towards your father, but Tsukishima grabbed you by your wrist and pull you towards him.

"{f/n} I'm not letting you go with him, I don't trust him, and I really don't care if he's your father." Tsukishima said.

"Tsukki, I told you it's fine, I'll be fine. I promise." You said then gave him a hug, to prove to him that you'll be fine.

He hugged back, hesistant for a moment before whispering into your ear, "he's the reason you moved to Migayi isn't he."

Your heart dropped, 'crap.'

You whispered back, 'yea, but I told you I promise I'll be fine. I love you."

You turned away from Tsukishima, walking to your father. As you stepped outside the door, you turned to close it behind you.

"Since when did you have a boyfriend." You father sternly asked.

"He's not my boyfriend, he's just someone who cares about me more than you do." You lashed at him.


"Oh my bad for not wanting my abusive so-called father, to control my life! You painfully said.

"I am NOT abusive, you're just so fucking sensitive and you get mad when I discipline you", he said. "Now get in the car", he said as he opened the door waiting for you to get in.

"I'm not getting in there, and who knows where you're taking me. You're a damn psycho, and I can't believe you DARE humiliate me in front of all my friends and threaten them. I'm so done with you." You took out your phone and started dialing a number.

"Excuse you? You're fucking lucky I won't strangle you right here and now, and who the hell do you think you're calling."

You ignored him as you pressed the call button, but before it could even ring once, he slapped it out of your hand, and used the heel of his foot to leave the phone inoperable.

"Now I said get in the fucking car." He said point at the back seating of the car.

You stood there, with all your hatred radiating off your body, but your Dad was done waiting. He grabbed your arm and shoved you into the car himself, slamming the car door shut. You tried to open the door but it looks like the child locks where removed from both sides.

"Don't even try {f/n}-san, it's really no use", said Mari from the passenger seat.

As your Dad got into the driver seat you gritted your teeth, "I fucking hate both of you."

"Awwww thank you {l/n}, I hate you too. Now let's go." Mari said.

A/N: this story is so messy 😭 I'm sorry if it's bad, but at least there's drama 😜.

A Burden { Tsukishima x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now