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Kageyama, Hinata, and Tsukishima were are their way to your house after practice. They decided to tell you everything, and how they formed a plan to stop Mari, which worked. 'Worked'

As they approached your house they could sense something was off.

"Hey... you guys something doesn't feel right." Hinata said.

"Shut up boke and walk faster." Kageyama said.

The three picked up their pace and once they got your house, they saw the lights were on with the front door cracked open but there were no cars.

They slowly approached the door, slightly pushing it more open and walking in.

"{y/n} are you hereeeee." Hinata calls.

Kageyama searches the living room.
Hinata goes to the kitchen.
And Tsukishima goes upstairs to your room.

When Tsukishima approaches your room his stomach drops.

He discovered everything scattered everywhere like if someone had a fight in your room.

Without thinking he rushes into your room stepping over the clutter. Spotting a lit device on the floor and picked it up.

Smoothing his finger over the newly formed cracks, he reads over what was displayed.


I hope your happy bitch. You
must be beaming right now aren't

Hello, answer me you prick.

Bitch I know you aren't stupid.

Well I will make your life hell.

Hello!?! Bitch answer me.

You're worthless, you don't belong
in this world. Why do you even try.
Tsukishima doesn't even like you,
if you like him then you're waisting
you're time.

Get a life looooser, must suck to suck
no life.

Hahaha you were abused? Damn can
I befriend your Dad


Hinata and Kageyama come into the door way and their eyes widen.

"O-oh my gosh." Hinata whispers.

Tsukishima covers his mouth with his hand and quivers. 'Where the hell is {f/n}, s-she's not in her right mind right now. I have to find her.'

Standing up Tsukishima's face stiffens and becomes more emotionless than ever. He drops the phone into Hinata's cupped hands and brushes past them.

Hinata fumbles with the phone almost dropping it.

Kageyama hits him in the back of the head and snatches the phone out of his hand.

Once they read the messages they also got a rather bad feeling. Being dumb trucks they couldn't piece everything that was happening but they got the gist 😺👍.

They ran out of the house to follow Tsukishima because he'd probably know what to do.

Luckily they caught him speed walking down the street.


Tsukishima POV
'Damn it. If I were {f/n} where would I go.'

'Fuck fuck fuck, pleaseee I'm begging you not to do anything irrational. Don't listen to that whore.'

'Jeez I can't believe I'm actually doing this.'

'If I were {f/n}, if I were {f/n}... where would I go.'

I come to a split in the road. I have to determine where to find her. She could literally be anywhere, and who knows how long ago she left her house.

'Hmmm. If I go right that leads to the train station. That's crowded so probably not that way. If I go left that leads to the lake, but it's just a lake but it's possible she wanted to clear her mind.'

'Left it is.'

I go left and walk down the path towards the lake increasing my speed slightly. Jeez {f/n} you really had us worried there, but I'm pretty sure I've found you. Those idiots were lacking behind but at least they were looking around just in case I missed something.

A strong gust of wind comes through and hits us. But that's when it dawned on me.

'The cliff...'

At this point I was running; I veered off the path running through the grass trying to make my way towards the cliff that hangs over the lake. It's suppose to be for sightseeing purposes but unfortunately I don't think that {f/n} would want to use it for that purpose.

I turned backwards towards the duo and yell. "Go check the lake", and run back to where I was going.

A Burden { Tsukishima x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now