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°Bokuto's house°

"All of you are idiots." Kenma bitterly said.

"W-what?" Yamaguchi replied in shock from everything that happened.

"I said ALL OF YOU ARE IDIOTS." Kenma raged.

"Kenma's right. We are idiots, there's like 10 of us here right now and we could've stopped that one guy, but we did nothing." Akaashi said to the group.

"That guy was {f/n}'s Dad, we have no right to 'take him down." Kuroo tried to reason.

"Bro, he trashed my place, I had every reason to cave his face in", Bokuto said pounding his right fist the wall next to him.

"Let's just face it, we were all pussies. We were scared. Even though {f/n} should've been the one who was the most scared, she seemed the calmest. The least we could've done was helped her, but we didn't." Yams said half-heartedly, while hanging his head low.

Everyone turned to Tsukishima, who hasn't said anything yet. He was still facing the door, staring at it with his eyes disconnected from reality.

Tsukki dude, you ok? Bokuto asked.

"Tsukishima bro?" Kuroo followed.

Yams walked slowly to Tsukishima's side and placed his hand on his shoulder. Tsukki flinched, and suddenly snapped back to reality.

He jerked his shoulder away from Yams' hand, shoved his hands into his pockets while walking to the door. He opened the door, and slammed it shut behind him, startling everyone in the house. He walked down a couple of steps and then came to a halt when his foot stepped on something hard. When he moved his foot, there laid your shattered phone. He shakily picked up the pieces in one hand and went back into the house. As he opened the door again everyone whipped their heads into his direction, and that when Tsukishima opened his hand for everyone to see and finally said, "we fucked up."

"Hey guys what's with all the noise?" Sugawara emerged from upstairs was his hungover forehead being rubbed by his hand.

"Oh boy, are you in for a story", said Kenma as he glared at Sugawara and just rolled his eyes.

Back at the airport

"Next", called the security man.

You both stepped forward and started to take off your shoes, and belongings and placing them into the buckets to go through the scanner.

"You go first", your father insisted, and so you did. You walked through the scanner and boom. It flashes red, and beeps.

"Ma'am do any belts or jewelry on that you may have forgotten to taken off", the man asked.

You pretended to check yourself for jewelry and shook your head no.

"Ok just go through it again." He said.

You walked back around and went through it again.

buzz buzz

"Ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to step to the side and come with me."

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. That's my daughter, she's not going anywhere without me."

"Alright sir, just come with me to this room right here, and we are just going to have to wave her down with out metal detector stick just to verify", the guy said.

"Alright." He responded.

'Damn it', I internally cursed myself. 'He wasn't suppose to come with me.'

The three of you filed in the same office sized room.

The guy grabbed two wands from the bucket and started waving you down.

You figured that this was only either gonna play two ways.

One, the guy would find the metal in your bra, have you remove it and you carry on your day. Or two, the guy who find the metal ask you to remove it and your dad figures out what you were trying to do.

Either way wasn't going to cut it. So I went to Plan C.

Once the guy made eye contact, you slowly mouthed the words. H-E-L-P M-E, and subtly lifted your dress to reveal the 'bruises'.

The man paused for a brief moment, then he peaked over your shoulder to get a good look at your Dad. Then placed his wand to the side.

"Looks like there was just just a misunderstanding her sir, I'm am utterly sorry for wasting you guys' time." The security guy said.

"Yea, we better not miss out fucking flight because of this bullshit." Your father said.

"Yes, once again I'm sorry sir, this was just a safety precaution."

He opened the door and allowed you to walk out first, with him following quickly behind. Then he yanked the door shut and scurried to get his keys out of his pocket and locked the door, leaving your dad on the inside.

"Ma'am are you ok?" He asked.

"Not really", you responded.

"Would you like to come with me, I can take you somewhere safer and we'll have you explain everything, for know I'll radio Airport Security and have them detain your dad for questioning." He assured.

You nodded and followed the guy as he walked back through some hallway specifically for employees.

"Here you can sit in here for now", the guy said as he opened the door to a small coffee scented room with a singular round table and a couple chair. "I'll be back with someone you can talk to ok?"

"Ok." You nodded. "Wait do you have a phone I can call someone with." You asked.

"Uh, here you can use mine for now", he handed you his flip phone . "I'll be back, so you will be able to return it."

Once the door shut behind him, you sighed in relief. You clutched your heavy heart with gratefulness and tears pricked the outside of your eyes and you thought about everything that just happened. It definitely felt surreal.

Wasting no more time, you used the guys phone to dial your mom, because that's the only number number you have memorized.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three ri-

"H-hello", your mothers voiced croaked. Of course she's probably heard the news by now, Kenma has her number so he probably texted her. But, that was besides the point.

"M-mom?" You asked.

"{F/N}?" You heard her voice raise.

"Mom", you shakily breathed in. "Dad's back."

I literally have been straining to try and get a chapter out to you guys, I'm sorry 😭. I low key want to scrap this story and start over fresh with a new and shorter/cuter Tsukishima story. But that can wait, this book is coming to an end anyways 😩. 1,000 chapters later Tsukishima and y/n will finally touch eachother 😍. (Not in a weird way 😾 you freaks 😸).

A Burden { Tsukishima x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now