{Hᴏᴍᴇ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ Mɪʏᴀɢɪ}

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Me and my mother arrive to our house in Miyagi. She unlocks the door and we walk into our new home. Immediately I can smell the difference. This places smells fresh like a brand new car. It doesn't reek of depression like the place we once called home back in America.

"Whatcha think?" My mom says while gazing around inside. "Not too shabby," I joke. My mother lets out a soft chuckle and she smiles at me.

That was the first time I've seen her smile so genuine, and so pure in such a long time. I was happy because I now know that in this place, my mom can live a better life without having to worry about anything else.

"Well what are you waiting for, go ahead and check it out," my Mom nudges. I go to find my room and set my things inside. It was bigger than my old room. I knew Mom had secretly been saving up money because she knew it was only a matter of time before Dad was going to get out of hand. But this, this is amazing.

"Don't forget you need to finish unpacking everything by tomorrow evening. I registered you in Karasuno High School starting on Monday so you need to be prepared by then," Mom shouts from the kitchen.

I poke my head down the stairs and reply "ok mom, no need to worry I'll get everything situated."

I return back to my room and sit on my new bed.
'Karasuno High School eh? Sounds like some wrestling term. Hopefully people won't be too nosy. The school year already started so people must already have their friend groups, so that should be good.' I do some light unpacking and I fall asleep early because jet lag really got to me.


The next day I did as I was told. I unpacked the rest of my things and I had a little free time to do whatever I wanted. I decided I wanted to go take a walk to get familiarized with the place because who would want to get lost.

As I was walking I come across a convenience store. We didn't really have much food, since after all we did just arrive, so I decided I wanted to get myself a few snacks. I entered the store and the guy greeted me, "Welcome".

At first I was startled a bit because I forgot that most people here don't speak English. Luckily my moms half -brother was part Japanese and taught me Japanese just incase I was to go to Japan someday. Few years later he moved back to Japan, but then got into a car accident. Which is part of why my mom decided to move here, since her only other family had once lived here.

"Hello", I reply. The man smiles weakly and returns to reading his magazine and smoking. I scan through the aisle and found some chips I once had as a little kid and decided to get some of those.

After I paid for the stuff and was about to head home because I was tired, I accidentally bumped into a tall, dark, raven-haired boy. "Sorry" I quickly say. "SORRY," he replies back. There was a brief moment of eye contact before I started to walk away. But, then the raven-haired boy started to talk. "Sorry, but I've never seen you around here before and I always come to this convenience store."

"Oh I just moved here with my mom so I would see why that is," I shyly mutter.

"Oh cool, well sorry about earlier I was kind of distracted. I had a rough day at school today and I wasn't paying attention."

"No it's ok, but I got to get going now." I turn on my heel and started to walk back in the direction of my home."

"Oh ok," his voice fades as I continue to walk away. It wasn't that I didn't care, it's just that I rather not get all buddy buddy with anyone until I can really trust them. I really can't afford to have what happened to me back in America to happen here. And no, it's not just the abuse I'm talking about.

I made it back home, which was perfect timing because I was ready to eat dinner and go to sleep. My mom already placed my uniform on my bed so I'm practically all set for tomorrow.

A/N: I understand how long the beginning is and I apologize. But I wanted to build some character development and I want the story to flow and not be blotchy. ☺︎︎

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