Chapter 12: Unforgiving Sea-goat

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He woke up to the smell of bacon. He headed to the bathroom and did his morning routine. He took a quick shower and dried himself off afterwards. Wearing a shirt and jeans, he walked into the kitchen and saw Salus and Althaia.

"Good morning! You finally woke up. How was your sleep?" Salus asked.

"It was great, how was yours?" he asked.

"Good, Althaia is a great cuddler." she said, hugging Althaia.

"I am not a hugger." Althaia said, pushing Salus off.

'They are cute.' he thought to himself.

"You want some bacon and eggs?" Salus asked.

"I would love some!" he said and Salus gave him a plate of food. He munched down and finished in a couple of minutes.

"Calantha should be here in fifteen minutes." Salus said.

"Cool, sorry again about last night and crashing here." he apologizes.

"Eh, it wasn't so bad. Like you weren't even here." Althaia said, sitting next to Salus.

"I am glad I could show you my favorite place. That's all I really want to do anyways. Ya, riding our horses around the planet would be fun, but you probably already saw the meadows, forest, ocean, and beach." Salus said.

"Yeah I have, but the lava river was very pretty." he said.

"Thank you! Glad you enjoyed your night. I hope your time with Calantha goes splendid." Salus said and then the doorbell rang.

"Speaking of the goat." Althaia said getting up.

"I'll get it! You guys have helped me enough. Enjoy the rest of the day together." he said, smiling.

"Thanks dude, you ain't so bad as Sandy made you out to be." Althaia said, smiling back.

"Yeah, maybe I'll forgive you." Salus said.

"Thanks guys. I hope you do. See ya." he said and they said goodbye.

"No promises." Salus said and waved goodbye to Ophi. He went to the front door and there she was; the girl he almost said I love you to. She was standing there with her black hair and short black dress.

"Finally answered." Calantha said, giving him a big smile.

"Hey, sorry was saying goodbye to them." he said.

"No worries, just joking dummy." hitting him softly.

"Well I'll drive the chariot. Where are we going?"

"Into the forest. I'll tell you when to stop." she said and got in the back. He got in the front and headed to the forest. He went into the forest and Calantha yelled "Stop!" he stopped the chariot and she got out. "Follow me." she said, pulling his hand. She led him to a place in the middle of the forest. There was a picnic laid out.

"This is so romantic." he said, sitting down on the blanket.

"I am glad you like it, we have a lot to talk about." Calantha said, pouring a glass of red wine. "Want some?" handing him a glass of wine.

"I don't drink wine, I'll take water." he said.

"Oh? Very pure I see." she said and gave him a glass of water.

"Thank you." he said, sipping the water. "So what do we have to talk about?"

"First, what happened with Sandy."

"I wanted to choose her, but she didn't like me back. I know I shouldn't tell you this, but I really liked her. I felt heartbroken and just trashed her house in anger. I am so sorry for doing that."

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