Chapter 1: Strange Ad

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"I hate living here. The world is a mess, nothing has been the same. I've been waiting to just go outside and I can't even do that! It feels like I am trapped in my own home, these four walls are the only thing I see. Is it ever going to get better? I don't know, I want to say it will... I just don't think things will change..."

"Ahem... well... try to stay positive, okay? I prescribe one extra pill. Tell me how that feels in our next session. I suggest not going on the internet that much, here you can take this book with you" she hands him a book. He looks at the cover and it is 'Astrology for the soul'

He laughs "You must be joking, zodiac signs? That shit isn't real."

She clears her throat "Never know, just try it." giving him a wink. "I enjoyed our session today and don't forget not to go on your phone during the night. Social media hasn't been doing the best for your mental state right now."

He rolls his eyes and says "Will do. Can I go now?"

She nods her head "You may have a great day."He gets up from the classic couch in a therapist office and exits out of the door and she shouts "Don't forget the book!" He rolls his eyes again and grabs the book, putting it in his backpack.

"She really thinks an astrology book is going to help me, what a dumbass." he says to himself as he leaves the clinic. He puts on his earphones and blasts Opeth. He waited for the bus and it came just the minute he arrived. "Good timing for me" He hopes on and gives the bus driver his student ticket, then goes into the back and puts on his hoodie so no one talks to him, but of course that's not how things goes.

Suddenly a boy grabs his shoulder and shouts "Yooooo, it's the weird ass metal kid. How was going to the asylum? Did they find the cure to edgy teen depression?" he laughs and his other three friends laugh too.

"Hey, tell us what you're listening to man." one of the friend's says. He just keeps looking down and minding his business.

"Hey fucker, we are talking to you!" the boy who had his shoulder on him, yanks his headphones and tosses it to his friends.

"Dude, can you give it back to me, I don't want to deal with this."

He grins and snatches his phone and throws it to another one of his friends. "Well now you gotta deal with us." The bus stops and the boys run off with his headphones and phone. He thinks about it and realizes he probably can't afford a new one until his birthday...which is in 5 months. So he runs after them, trying to catch up with them. He starts panting and the four guys stop and laugh. "Look at Mr.Depression, should we beat the shit out of him so he really has a reason to be depressed?" the other boys nod in agreement and walk towards him.

Two of them hold him back and the other two kick and punch him, the main friend punching his face till his nose bleeds. "That's what I like to see, now scam little rat!" The two friends drop him down and they throw his headphones away and kick the shit out of his phone. "Here's your phone back" throwing it in his face and running off.

He lays there for a minute wondering how it got to this, then thinking it could get worse. They can come back, so he quickly got up and picked up his phone. It won't even turn on. He sighs and says "Well at least I can't scroll on twitter as I go to bed." he walks the rest of the way home.

After thirty minutes he reached his home. "Finally, god I should've just stayed on the bus. I have so much homework to do and it's already 8pm" He looks for his key in his pocket, then in his backpack... "Shit, where the fuck is the key." then he remembered he gave it to his sister who forgot her key and was going to be home before him since he had a therapy session. He goes to his phone to call her, then realizes "Oh yeah it's broken."

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