Chapter 4: Aggressive Ram

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He woke and forgot he was naked. "Ah!" he said, then realized what happened... he had sex with her. He looked at her and she was still fast asleep, he knew he had to get ready. Althaia could be here any moment. He got up and put on his clothes. He stared at Talia still asleep. He kissed her forehead and headed in front of the cottage to wait for Althaia. He stood there and in three minutes she showed up.

"What a mess you look like, sure know how to woo a lady, huh?" Althaia said, smiling and hugging him. "And smells, man you are very not attractive right now."

He rolled his eyes and replied "I didn't have enough time, who is up at 6am?"

"Gods don't need sleep so why not start the day early. We only need about 3-4 hours of rest. Talia is probably still sleeping because she loves to be lazy and naps."

He thought 'what... gods don't need sleep? I guess it makes sense now I think about it.' Althaia hit him on the head. "Hey! He yelled.

"Stop being in your head and be in this world. Now let's go before Talia convinces you to spend another night with her." she said and dragged him to the horses.

"No chariot?" he asked.

"I don't want to drive you around and I don't want a man driving me around. You can ride your own horse, I can ride mine. Sandy said you got the hang of it." She hopped on the horse and said "You coming or what?"

He smiled and thought 'I like her fire, she has this thing about her like Sandy, but nicer and kinder. A good Sandy.' then he felt a pebble hit him.

"Next time it is going to be a boulder." she said and winked.

He laughed and hopped on the horse. They started riding their way out of the forest to the volcano. "I have never been in this area." he said.

"I can believe that. Most people are scared of this area. It's dangerous for them since they can get injured. Not die from it, but will have burned up skin and who wants that? Only fire signs can't be harmed by fire or the heat. It's great really, lots of time to yourself and big space for yourself." She stopped the horse by the base of the volcano. You'll see where I live tonight. Are you hungry, I assume?" Althaia asked.

He nodded his head yes. "I didn't even-" then he thought 'I shouldn't tell her I didn't have dinner, she will ask questions and I'll end up telling her the truth.'

"You didn't?" Althaia asked, looking at him confused.

"I didn't even have breakfast." he laughed nervously.

"Well, I assume from the way you are dressed you didn't even brush your teeth or take a shower. I ain't judging, I love wearing comfortable clothes, but come on at least be hygienic." she shakes her head in disapproval.

"Well I got some granola bars and a bag of grapes. We can have a big feast when we get home." Althaia said. "Now a thing you have to remember about me is that I love sports. I was thinking of climbing the volcano, but we can do it at night. It's better trust me. So let's go hunting and we can cook whatever we find."

He thought to himself 'We can find a sheep!' He excitedly said "Yes! I love hunting."

She smiled "I am glad to hear, no man should not like hunting. They would be pussies like Varvara, animal lover freak." she walked towards a small building and he munched on the grapes. "Choose a weapon, any weapon!"

He looked around in disbelief. There were swords, knives, daggers, harpoons, bows, and arrows. "Which one should I choose?" he asked.

"Whatever you want, these all belong to me. Ya know, as goddess of war I sure do fight a lot." she flipped her hair, proud of herself. "I go with bow and arrows for animals, I can attack from afar and get them by a surprise attack. What's your style of hunting?" Althaia asked.

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