Chapter 2: Dinner Party

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He wakes up from the sun shining inside. "Huh, what time is it... how am I supposed to know what time it is without my phone?" He got out of bed and washed his face and brushed his teeth. He took a hot shower and went to one of the closets. "Hm... what should I wear when Sandy sees me. I want to... impress her." he grabs an outfit he thinks she will like. "I am going to dress like that bad boy you see in movies. Ya, she should be into that." he walks to the main hall and waits in front of the door.

In a few minutes he heard a knock and a big smile crossed his face. "She is here..." he opened the door and there she was. In ripped jeans and a black crop top. Her hair is still in a sharp high ponytail, with scarlet lipstick.

"Hi bitch, ready to finally learn how to ride a horse?"

He nervously said "Oh yes... but don't make fun of me."

She giggled and punched him in his arm "I can't promise you that. Let's head to the stables." she grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the mansion. There was a stable right next to the mansion. "Okay Ophi, let's try the basics. Can you get on a horse?"

He smiled confidently and said "Of course I know how to get on one." he tried climbing onto the saddle and slipped off.

Sandy giggled again and said "Let me help you out. If you want it."

"Yes, I will like a little help." he put up his hand and she grabbed his hand, pulling him up. She helped him onto the horse.

"Now, hold onto the horse like this." she places his hands on the horse's neck. "Now just be relaxed, calm. Need good posture." she straightened his back. "Good, now stay like that. Follow me and make sure you pay attention to your surroundings." She went and got on a horse. "Let's begin. Woohoo!" she yelled and galloped away.

"Wait for me!" he pulled the leash and the horse put up his hooves, then started chasing after her. He smiled, catching up with her and they were riding side by side together.

"You're not bad, not bad for a dumbass." she gave him a smile and he smiled back.

He thought to himself 'I like her... a lot.' he kept looking at her, her ponytail stiff even in the wind. She had a look of danger in her eyes. "Let's go through the plains and we can ride back home when we reach the woods."

"Okay!" he said and they rode their horses together. 'This is romantic right? I am just feeling things. Is this all in my head? No! Stop being depressing, this is good. This could work, she could be the one.' he looked at her and she looked back, rolling her eyes.

"If you are thinking something, spit it out, out in the plains no one will hear nothing. It stays here."

'She could tell when I am overthinking.' he cleared his throat and said "I really like your vibe."

She replied with "I know, everyone does." Then she pulled the leash and her horse went faster. She yelled "Gotcha teach your horse who is in charge, take control!"

He looked at his horse and said "Go faster!" pulling the leash and the hose just stayed the same pace as before.

She stopped her horse and his horse stopped as well. "Listen, horses don't know English. You gotta use commands like ya, whoa, and geeing up. It will work, trust me." she looked ahead and shouted "Geeing up bitch!" and her horse started zooming.

"Wow... she is so amazing." he said to himself and said "Geeing up." pulling on the leash and the horse started running. "Good boy!" he said.

Sandy replied "It's a girl!" and their horses were next to each other. In front of them was the woods. "It's 2pm, we have four hours until the dinner party. Let's get back and choose your outfit to impress Laria." she laughed.

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