Starflower Tea

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Hello everyone! This was my submission for PseudonymGal's 'Something Warm To Drink' contest in the Girls Who Write forum on FFN. Make sure you check out the other contestants' works for some beautiful Obitine and heart-warming Foxiyo content!


The most unpredictable thing in Padmé's life was the Jedi Knight who she was madly in love with.


All things considered, Padmé was lucky to be alive.

A politician's life was not supposed to be dangerous, but they were in an intergalactic war, and sometimes, her life couldn't be as prim and proper as she hoped it would be as a child.

After her little adventure on Geonosis before the war started, Padmé always carried a blaster, and she'd learnt to expect the unexpected.

She didn't expect a diplomatic mission with Jar Jar and Bail to turn into a crash landing on a hostile planet where the natives were prepared to kill the three politicians without mercy.

It wasn't the best situation for them to be in.

Thankfully, an honourable Jedi Knight was only a few sectors away when they sent out their distress signal and came rushing to their aid.

Always playing the hero, her husband.

How Anakin was going to justify leaving a space battle in the hands of his young Padawan to rescue two Senators and a Gungan Representative was beyond Padmé, but she had to be grateful.

Bail was her friend, but their relationship was more professional than personal, and Jar Jar was... well, Jar Jar, so it was a relief to have Anakin with them. He could make any dire situation better, including this one.

"This is a fine mess you've got yourself into, Senator Amidala," Anakin said, eyeing the remains of their ship with an expression of both amusement and concern. "It's a miracle none of you were injured."

She hummed in agreement, forcing a tight smile whilst they acted as close acquaintances in front of the others, "We were very lucky, Master Jedi."

Except they weren't. Jar Jar had motion sickness from the way their ship spiralled to the surface, and Padmé wasn't exactly dandy either.

It hurt to think, courtesy of knocking her head on the control panel on the way down, but she tried to hide it. Anakin was already flustered; it wouldn't help if he knew she could very well be suffering from a concussion.

They had bigger problems at the moment. Their ship was broken beyond even Anakin's repair, and he had only brought a Jedi starfighter to their aid, so they were stranded until Ahsoka could send down a transport.

It didn't help that they had lost contact with Ahsoka several hours ago, and whilst Anakin brushed it off as just a sketchy signal, Padmé could see the concern on her husband's face for his student. He was still new to teaching, but he already took his responsibility for Ahsoka seriously.

Until help arrived, they just had to wait, and that wouldn't have been a problem if the locals were friendly and the climate was more like Naboo with soft breezes and periods of humidity, instead of the icy rain and fog which they were trekking in.

Anakin said that if they kept moving, they were less likely to be picked off by the natives. Padmé had nodded and hitched her skirt up to her knees, dutifully following him into the dense jungle. Who was she to question a Jedi General who spent every day trying to avoid death?

"How will Ahsoka know where we are?" She asked loudly over the heavy patter of rainfall. The water had long seeped through her clothes and was now chilling her bones.

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