Dirty Spit

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TW: Discussion of sexual assault


Ahsoka hoped that Obi-Wan wouldn't tell Anakin about her being kidnapped by Hondo.

Her Master was fiercely protective, and just the thought of that pirate laying a finger on her would likely cause him to have an aneurysm. He probably wouldn't let her out of his sight for a year.

As much as she wished Anakin would never find out, Obi-Wan wasn't stupid enough to not inform him of her capture.

She shouldn't have been surprised to see several missed comms from her Master once she was on board The Negotiator and didn't have half a dozen younglings crowding at her feet.

With a sigh, Ahsoka called him back. If she simply ignored him, he would probably start pestering Cody, and she still hadn't recovered her dignity from the last time he did that.

"Ahsoka," his voice echoed around her temporary quarters, completely serious and yet oozing concern in just her name alone.

Ahsoka swallowed before replying. She knew she was lucky to be alive, but Anakin's tone made her feel like she'd avoided something possibly worse than death.

Obi-Wan had already asked her if Hondo, or any of his measly crew, had tried to take advantage of her. In her medical exam, Helix had asked the same questions. She was certain that Anakin feared that Hondo had assaulted her.

"Snips?" Anakin pressed, "You there?"

She laid back on the bed. The officer quarters were the same specification as the ones on the Resolute, but this felt different. It didn't feel like home.

"Hey, Master,"

And Force, she sounded exhausted.

It was way into the night cycle now, the chrono in her room reading 0200. Of course, Anakin was awake at this hour.

"You're on the cruiser?"

"Yeah," Ahsoka rubbed her eyes, still feeling gross even after showering. The water just couldn't get hot enough to make her feel any less grimy, and furiously scrubbing the soap bar had only dehydrated her skin. "I'm in my room."

She swore she could hear Anakin's sigh of relief across the channel.

"What happened?"

She didn't really want to talk to him about it like this. Obi-Wan had helped her form her report, and she'd spoken briefly to the Council after evening meal.

They were more concerned with the well-being of the younglings than to bother asking how she felt after almost being sold into slavery. Not that she cared, at least not in that moment.

"The report's been published, Master."

Another sigh, this time being one of frustration. "Sure, Snips, but I can tell the difference between Obi-Wan's writing and yours. No offence."

"None taken," she grumbled, rubbing her forehead where a headache was forming. "Look, can we talk about this when I get back?"

"That better be a promise, young lady."

Young lady.

Hondo had called her that, along with a few other names that were usually aimed at women with lekku. It hadn't bothered Ahsoka at the moment, she was more concerned with the safety of the younglings, but remembering his behaviour now made her feel icky.


She scowled at the commlink, suddenly wishing she just sent Anakin a message to say she was headed to Coruscant. She could've switched her comm off after that and not spoken to him until she arrived.

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