When you wake me up

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Anakin wasn't sure what had woken him up.

He tended to be a light sleeper anyway. Even as a child, he had learnt to remain alert, which Obi-Wan once explained was likely due to his high Force-sensitivity. 

Anakin suspected it was due to the risk of being trafficked to a different slaver in the middle of the night, and the co-existing fear that he would be separated from his mother in the process.

He was diagnosed with insomnia shortly after coming to the Jedi Temple. The Healers trialled him on a number of different sleeping pills before it became apparent that no medications made a difference.

Obi-Wan resorted to enforcing a strict nighttime routine of meditation, chamomile tea, and then reading him a story before bed. The routine worked so well that Anakin followed it even after he was Knighted, so far as keeping a chamomile tea bag in his belt at all times.

It was harder in the war to sleep well. 

Stress and anxiety caused his insomnia to skyrocket, and having a new responsibility of a literal child to keep alive made it worse. The last thing Anakin wanted was for Ahsoka to be as bad at sleeping as he was.

Rubbing a hand down his face, Anakin checked the chrono by his bed. It was still dark out, though the speeder traffic had decreased so the light pollution wasn't so bad.

His chrono read 0300, which meant it was only another thirty minutes until his alarm would sound to check on Ahsoka. Master Che had been very strict that the only way Ahsoka could stay in their quarters was if he checked on her through the night.

Ahsoka was still very much not herself.

She was sleeping through the day, which the Healers explained was entirely normal, yet it worried Anakin nonetheless to see Ahsoka willingly staying in bed.

In his mind, he could still see the medics pulling her out from underneath a destroyed tank, her face obscured in blood and a horrifying gash from the top of her left montral to her right eye marking.

Though Ahsoka remained conscious throughout the entire ordeal and kept assuring him that she was fine, Anakin knew that his medics were immediately concerned.

Montrals and lekku were incredibly sensitive, and it didn't take long for the effects of the head injury to make themselves apparent.

Ahsoka was put on bed rest until they returned to Coruscant, the injury having made her dizzy and unbalanced if she tried to stand up or even lift her head.

She was confused and didn't know what was happening for a few hours, so Anakin resolved to sitting by her bedside at all times, even through the night.

She refused to eat and drink for twenty-four hours, and the medics had to replace her IV three times after she pulled it out.

And boy, was she unhappy...

Anakin always thought it was just a myth that Togrutas could become very aggressive when injured.

Ahsoka had never shown any malice towards the medics, but when Coric leaned forwards to change the bandages around her head, Ahsoka clawed at his face like an animal; it took both Anakin and Kix to restrain her.

When Ahsoka was lucid enough to realise what she had done, it took him several hours to calm her down and assure her that Coric was okay.

At the sound of running water, Anakin sat up.

He reached out with his senses, concerned there was an intruder although he knew that the Temple had some of the highest security on the planet.

When there weren't any unknown Force-signatures nearby, Anakin pulled off the sheet and climbed out of bed. He didn't bother with a shirt, having slept just in shorts as he was technically on leave whilst Ahsoka was out of action.

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