Keeping A Secret - Part 2

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There were probably a dozen Padawans in the training room that Anakin tracked Ahsoka's Force-signature to, which was impressive considering she was trying to block him out.

She hadn't been in their quarters when he got back that morning. Obi-Wan had a few curt words with him, though ultimately decided it was an issue that needed to be resolved between Anakin and his student.

He'd tried talking to Padmé about it, who suggested he may have been neglecting his Padawan a little. It was hard enough to divide his attention between his wife and his duties as a Jedi before Ahsoka was placed under his care.

She assured him that he could fix this. He just needed to be show Ahsoka a little more attentiveness. He supposed that spending so much time with Padmé was making Ahsoka feel uncared for.

He didn't want Ahsoka to feel like she had to compete for his attention. Hell, he knew how that felt when he was a Padawan and Obi-Wan sometimes wouldn't even give him the time of day.

As he entered the room, silence fell amongst the chatter and laughter at the sight of such an established Jedi Knight just existing in the same space as them.

Anakin's eyes were immediately drawn to the center sparring mat where Ahsoka had utilised her opponent's distraction to pin them to the mat, her lightsaber inches from his throat.

"Cheater," the blonde boy complained, knocking her wrist away so the lightsaber wasn't so close to his skin.

"Not my fault you got distracted," Ahsoka rolled off the mat, her lightsaber deactivating. She glanced at Anakin and purposefully looked away. She walked to the bench to take a breather, chugging down water from a canteen.

The initial shock over, the Padawans soon went back to their forms, though Anakin could tell they were pushing themselves harder now he was there.

Easing himself down to sit next to Ahsoka, Anakin let out a sigh.

"You shouldn't be sparring whilst you're injured," he murmured softly, only for her montrals to hear.

"I'm not injured," Ahsoka replied, her gaze set on the two Padawans sparring ahead of them. "You're leaving your right side open, Jipf!"

"You leave your right side open all the time," Anakin muttered, and Ahsoka shot him a look worthy of murder. He smiled back at her, "Ready for breakfast?"

She visibly bristled, "Don't act like everything's okay between us, Master."

"I never said that." Anakin stood up, stretching out a hand to her, "I just want to talk, preferably whilst drinking caf and eating pancakes."

He was relieved when she took his hand, letting herself be pulled up. "Fine, but only because you're paying."

"We haven't discussed who's paying yet," Anakin joked, clapping her uninjured shoulder as they left the training room.

As the door close behind them, Anakin was surprised when an orange arm wrapped around his waist, tightening and letting go in less than a second.

"Sorry for yelling at you," Ahsoka muttered, keeping her gaze straight ahead as if the quick embrace hadn't happened.

"Sorry for giving you a reason to," Anakin replied, just as quietly.

At the diner, they chose a booth in the back, needing privacy. Anakin ordered a platter of pancakes for them to share, asking for extra syrup because he knew Ahsoka had a killer sweet tooth.

"I know I'm not following the Code," Anakin said quietly, rubbing his thumb across the rim of his caf mug. "And I understand if that makes you uncomfortable. You deserve a Master who follows the rules. All I ask, Snips, is that you keep this to yourself."

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