Chapter 17-

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Chapter 17-

Izzy's POV-

I'm getting tired of waking up in darkness. But this darkness is so absolute that I'm not even sure I am awake. When I try to move around, it gets me nowhere. I just stay in the same place. Actually, am I even standing? It feels instead that I'm floating somewhere in space.

Then, light blooms out of the darkness. It curls around like a vine, spreading color with it. It surrounds me, making something like a movie theatre screen. In it, the pictures are blurry at first. I can't tell if its actually the pictures or my eyes. Then, I can see it's not pictures. It is actually like a time lapse video.

I see my mother's life. Starting from when she was a little girl, the video zooms through time, making a year seem like a minute. I see her so young when her mother dies from some disease. A little older and she struggles to get her father's attention. As my mother grows, you can see the man that is Draco slipping away. The screen is becoming darker. My mother is entering school. The screen is almost completely pitch black.

Then, it starts to get lighter. She meets new friends at school. Another year or two goes by. Then, there's me. Or it might not be me. I see when I woke up in the past and she met me. But it continues after that. I see us becoming friends. I see myself getting older beside of my mother. I'm there with her as we take tests, laugh together, and even when she tells me she's in love with the headmaster's son. Then we're graduating. Our paths drift apart and the screen gets darker again. My mother went to live with Draco again.

Draco sinks more into the Darkness after being fired from the Academy. He takes it out on my mother, forcing her into a relationship with some horrid man. Then, she's pregnant. My heart stops. This isn't my father.... Right?

The screen is almost nearing pitch black again as my mother's stomach grows bigger with time. She struggles to please her father who never gave her any love. She struggles to get away from the man whose child she is carrying. Then, a baby. And if possible, my heart stops again. There on the screen- a screaming and crying baby- is a little boy. A little boy that takes after his father with black hair. And soon after, my mother finds out that Draco has taken over the Dark school. As he is gathering an army, my mother tries to raise the little boy. She even names him after the chimera that still belongs to Draco. Xavier. 

I'm trying to catch my breath at this point. Xavier. As in Reaper? He's my half-brother?

At this point, my mother disappears, leaving little Xavier behind. He goes to live with his grandfather, Draco. And it flashes back to my mother, showing how she had run back to the Academy. She informed Grandfather about everything Draco was doing, and they prepared to fight. Then, she met the headmaster's son again and the screen became brighter. And they got married. In the midst of almost a war and my parents got married. Of course. And, 2 years or so after Xavier had been born, I am born. I can see my mother with tears in her eyes as she names me after her friend from school, Isabel. 

Years pass and I watch myself grow up again. The fighting had suddenly come to a stop when I was about 3. Everyone stayed on alert but after a few years, had assumed the Light had won. My parents decided they wanted a normal life and got me away from all of the magic. By this point, I'm counting down until that moment. The moment my mother's life will end.

But then something strange happens. The time on the screen seems to slow down around when I'm 13. It's a normal night with my parents. We're watching a movie. But something in me screams to turn away. I don't remember this movie night. Despite what my instincts are telling me, I keep my eyes peeled on the screen. And the scene explodes. Like a bomb had just gone off outside the house, glass from the windows sprays everywhere. My father dives to protect my mother and I. Then, another explosion. My father tells my mother to take me and run as he holds his hands out, creating a barrier with his powers. The little me on the screen is crying and confused. My mother grabs my hand and tells me to run. We run out of the house and down the street. Our house was in the middle of nowhere almost. I always wondered why my parents picked it. Like they were hiding from someone.

So we run. And keep running. Until there's a shadow creeping after us. Finally, my mother stops, telling me to run without her. I scream that I can't leave her. I scream that I need to know what's going on. She just says she loves me. I just keep screaming as the shadow materializes into a man. A very familiar man. The man that I keep seeing shrouded in Darkness. Draco.

He laughs, telling her that she counldn't run forever. She had to accept that she was Dark at heart. My mother tells him something that I will never forget.

"Everyone has a little bit of Darkness in their hearts. The bad men nurture it while the good men accept it."

Those are her last words. Draco sneers at her before seeming the stab her with Darkness. It eats away at her, turning her completely black before she turns to dust. And then I hear myself, still screaming. Draco turns towards me, about to kill me off, too. My powers explode, cracking the ground beneath him. Lava bursts out of the ground. Storm clouds gather overhead, sending lightning and rain down around us. Light literally bursts out of me. 

I don't know what happens after that because the screen goes completely white with light. I have to shield my eyes. When I look again, I see myself lying on the ground. I don't remember any of this. I'm so confused. This is not how my parents died. I was never lying unconscious on a road somewhere in the middle of nowhere. I don't know what to do. Obviously I don't die.

Suddenly, the picture shifts. It's from somewhere nearby. A boy is stumbling down the road and mumbling to himself.

"Jeez... They could... At least give me a map..." He continues to mumble. There's a huge bolt of lightning that strikes somewhere near him suddenly. He falls down as the ground shakes. He's drenched in rain as he hears screaming. My screaming. A normal person would run away. But this boy- this familiar boy- runs towards the source of the storm. That's when the blinding light shines again. But he just keeps running towards the noise.

Then everything seems to stop. The storm stops. The earthquake stops. The screaming stops. I see myself lying on the ground again. Then the boy is there, leaning over me with his grey eyes that seem to mimic the dissipating storm around us. 

"Hey, are you okay?" He says, checking for a pulse. He sighs in relief when he finds one. 

"Was that you?" He suddenly whispers. "You don't have much control over your powers, do you? It's okay. You can come with me. We'll learn together."

He smiles, lifting me up onto his back where he can carry me. My eyes open just a crack on the screen. From where I am on his back, I can see dark brown hair. He seems so familiar, yet....

"What are you doing?" The me from the screen whispers hoarsely. 

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm taking you to a place where we'll both be safe. Some place for people like us."

"People like us?" I shake my head. "What do you mean? Who are you?"

"My name's Josh Wilson. What about you?"

"Isabel Raven. Where exactly are you taking me?"

"Somewhere extraordinary." He smiles as I black out.


Hi! I was originally going to write a part with Josh and the others at the beginning but I didn't have any inspiration for it. So I just rewrote the end bit of this. I may not have time to write in the upcoming week because I will be going to Florida! And then I have to make up all my school work and stuff when I come back so I imagine I will be very busy. Thanks again for reading! Remember, votes encourage me to update faster! 

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