Chapter 1- Wake Up Get Up Get Out There

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Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

H/C = Hair Color

F/C = Favorite Color

M/S/N = Middle School Name

O/S/N = Old School Name

Well... This is it, I guess...

I was currently in my room, it was currently 3AM and I just got finished packing the remainder of the stuff that I needed for when I went to Hope's Peak Academy, aka that one prestigious school everyone talks about.

Starting today, I would be attending that school as the Ultimate Archer.

Now you probably might be wondering how I got that my title as the Ultimate Archer, well let me explain to you.

My middle school, M/S/N was really big with sports and stuff, It wasn't like one of those schools where it was for sports and stuff, it was just something that my school heavily pride on, because I wanted to and also from my best friend's recommendation, I decided to join a sports team, although most of the sport teams were already way into their season, so because of that I decide to join the next sport team that was either available to join or new.

The new sport team there was just so happened to be, you guessed it, archery.

At first, I was pretty reluctant to join, I've never really been good at any sports, but then I remembered I told myself that I'd join the next available sport team and that was it.

When I first went for practice, I honestly doubted myself, but when I took that first shot I managed to somehow hit a bullseye.

Heh, I still remember seeing the look on everyone's faces, everyone either looked impressed, shocked and some even had a mix of those two.

As I started practicing more and more, I started to get better, getting awards and stuff at every competition I went to, I even managed to be the top member in the club.

My love for archery didn't end when I graduated middle school, and it continued to stick with me at my old school O/S/N which coincidentally, also had an archery club, which meant more competitions and stuff, oh yeah, also got top member there. 

I'm not one to brag about my achievements, but I think I've earned a little bit of bragging rights, don't you think?

Anyways. One day a letter arrived for me in the mail, the letter said that I had gotten an invitation to go to Hope's Peak Academy.

I was pretty hesitant at first to accept as I really hated change, but after a while, I started thinking about it more and more, then I decided that it could actually be good.

So... I accepted.

Which leads us up to now.

I look down to look at the outfit I was wearing, I wore a pair of black converse, dark blue jeans and lastly a grey hoodie with a plain black shirt underneath.

I'll admit, it wasn't the best thing to wear, or that could just be me being self-conscious, but eh, it'll do.

Before I walked out the door, I looked at my slightly messy H/C hair in the mirror.

I sigh.

Gosh, I can't keep being self-conscious forever or this is going to take longer than it should.

I sigh for a second time, then I head to the door.

"AYO THE PIZZA HERE" My friend shouted as he literally kicked the door open causing me to stumble back.

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