Chapter 22- The Swatter, The Fly, And The Audacity Of This Guy

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The school day was over and as per usual I was in my dorm room doing the usual things I did.

However Eito said he wanted to call me some time after school to talk about what happened yesterday with Kyoko and I.

I was just waiting for him to get home, luckily though his school, aka my old school, isn't too far away of a walk, so I should probably get one in like a few minutes or so.

As I was waiting though, I've just been thinking about everything that has happened the past few days, or no, more like past few months.

I know I've been saying I've been thinking about everything that's been happening a lot, and yeah, I'm aware that I do, but at the same time a lot has been happening.

Probably the most shocking being the fact that I literally have a girlfriend now, and holy shit it feels so weird to even think about and admit, in a good way of course, although I'm still trying to process how the hell it even managed to happen in the first place considering how much in denial I was about everything.

I mean I'm glad I was able to move past that, well it's more like Sayaka and Hina were the ones who helped me move past that, even though they can be a little bit pushy at times, they're really great friends to me, honestly I think it was their pushiness that helped me come to terms with my feelings.

Before I could go even deeper into my thoughts, I notice that Eito had called me, I click the answer button;


"Hey! What's up?" He greets me.

"Nothing much" I say with a shrug, even though he couldn't see me, force of habit though.

"So, what happened with you and Kyoko yesterday?" He asks.

"Heck, a lot happened, I took your advice on the whole 'invite her to somewhere and confess to her at some point'" 

"Oh really? Did you pick a place or?" 

"No, I let her pick the place"

"Ooo, what a gentleman" He jokes.

"Oh my god..." I facepalm.

"Joking, joking, at what point did you confess?" 

"Like, when we got back to the hallway of the dorms, so near the end I guess"

"And what happened then?"

"Well, um" I start, sounding slightly embarrassed.

"When I confessed, before she could even say anything in response I ran off to my room"

"Not surprised to be honest" He jokes.

"Good to know you have faith in me" I reply sarcastically.

"Anyways, afterwards stuff kind of happened between us and she said that she felt the same way to me in the morning" I add on.

"Stuff? What kind of stuff?" 

"Um, that's kind of..." I say while blushing, meanwhile being extremely grateful we weren't having a face to face conversation.

"Oh sorry" He apologizes.

I was going to tell him it was fine until I heard him say;

"Not gonna lie when you say 'stuff' that could mean a lot of things and what I'm thinking of isn't that great" 

"Get your mind out of the gutter" I deadpan.

"Sorry, sorry" He apologizes again.

"It's fine" I finally manage to say.

"Ok, now that you two are together, it's time for the next step" He continues.

"What's 'the next step'?" I ask.

"I'm talking about a date, of course"


You wanna know what's surprising? 

No joke, Hina literally said the same thing to me during our lunch break.

Dang, maybe I should do some matchmaking for them.

Haha just kidding, that was a joke.



"Are you there? You just went quiet all of a sudden" Eito says bringing me back to reality.

"Uh yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about something" I reply.

"That's fine, but honestly, maybe you should, I mean we have a holiday in like 2 weeks so it's the perfect opportunity"

I go quiet once again, lost in thought.

"You went quiet again" He says.

"Sorry, it's just one, I'm thinking about what you just said and two, you sound like one of my friends and it's catching me off a little" I answer.

"Oh, alright I guess" He replies.

After that, we start talking more and more, at first about the whole date thing but after a while we talk about other stuff, mostly me asking him about what he's been up to and stuff.

Then after some time had passed, we ended the call and that's when I realized we've literally called for like 2 hours straight, that's something right there

(A/N) Hey, thanks for reading Chapter 22 of this book. Once again, a few things to say for this one, sorry for the the short chapter and if it was uneventful, I was out of ideas for this chapter and I promise the next chapters will be more eventful. Next thing, thank you all so much for 6k reads, I seriously didn't think I'd be able to make it this far. Anyways, I'll see you all in the next chapter. Bye. 

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