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Fawn woke up to the sound of her alarm going off. A little cuckoo clock by her bedside table, the bird chirping away at Fawn. Fawn groaned and fed the bird some seeds. Satisfied that she had successfully woken up Fawn, the bird made her way out the window to start her day. Fawn wondered if she should stay in bed or maybe visit the cliff. She stayed in bed until she heard a knock at the door. She puffed her cheeks in her usually manner and hid under the blankets hoping that if she didn't answer then maybe whoever it was at the door would go away. But the knocking still persisted. Fawn let out a sigh and grudgingly walked over to the door. She opened it only to find Tink at the door.

"Heya Fawn" waved Tink. "I didn't see you at work today and thought I should check on you. Are you alright?" Tink asked but before she finished Fawn had already made her way back into bed.

"I'll take that as a no" Tink said as she followed in after her. "Oh and by the way, we might have crashed a cart in your usual training field, no bunnies were harmed" Tink quickly added with her best smile.

"Nyx asked about you as well" Tink added. This caught Fawn's attention. She sat up in bed and looked at Tink.

"Well she was there when we crashed the cart into the field. It flew right on top of her and she did not look happy" Tink said apologetically. "She was there looking for you, and said she wanted to speak to you".

"Well whatever she thinks I did, I didn't" Fawn said as she got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

As soon as Fawn disappeared through the bathroom door, Rosetta popped her head up through the window. " is she? She asked cautiously.

Tink let her in and shrugged.

"Hmmm....let's take her out tonight. And I know just the thing to cheer her up" Rosetta added. Tink looked at her with a puzzled look. "There's a play at the Fairy Theater after everyone's shift ends and there's also a band playing by the Lily Pad afterwards" Rosetta said with a glint in her eyes. 

Tink could almost see the gears turning in Rosetta's mind. "That sounds like the perfect plan" Tink added.


When Rosetta told Fawn about the play at the Fairy Theater, Fawn was less excited by it when compared to Tink and Rosetta. But Rosetta had said that everyone was going to be there and it was a story that honored Gruff. Fawn could not resist and so they made plans to meet at the theater an hour after the sunset. This gave Fawn some time in between to check on Dani, who had been holding down the fort after Fawn had called in sick. When Fawn reached the Animal Training Centre, she saw that Dani was resting with the baby bunnies. All of them happily munching on the berries. 

Dani saw Fawn approaching and waved her over. "Hey Fawn" Dani said.

"Hey Dani. How is everything?" Fawn said as she sat next to the bunnies and gave them each a pat on the head. "Hello little ones" Fawn added.

"We just had basic bunny training and now we're taking a much deserved rest" Dani said as she gave the bunnies more berries.

"That sounds great and also I wanted to say thank you for today" Fawn said.

"Don't worry about it Fawn, it was great spending time with these little one" Dani said as she gave a reassuring pat to a bunny near her.

"So...there's a play at Fairy Theater later this afternoon and I was wondering if you wanted to attend with us" Fawn asked Dani with a big smile. Fawn really wanted to show Dani her appreciation and thought it would be a nice change of pace to spend time with Dani outside fairy duty.

"Oh wow, yes I would love to Fawn" Dani said with surprise.

"Meet you there?" Fawn said.

"That sounds great" Dani said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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