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After they had all said goodbye to Gruff, they made their way back home. Fawn was feeling mellow after the farewell. The thought of never being able to go on adventures with Gruff anymore was making her teary. She had grown quite attached to the Neverbeast. She had decided to walk all the way home so she could process everything that happened. Tinkerbell and the others had offered to accompany her; they didn’t want to leave Fawn alone. But Fawn had insisted that she was fine and told them she needed some time to be alone.
As she was making her way down the lit up path, her heart was becoming more heavy with every step she took away from Gruff.


Someone was walking behind Fawn. She had not noticed before as she was caught up in her thoughts. She turned around to find Nyx standing a few feet away.

“Uh hey Nyx” Fawn said, trying to sound a bit more chirper.

“I just wanted to say sorry for everything that happened with Gruff and us” Nyx was standing like her usual self. Just like she was on official business, but there was some sincerity in her voice.

“I understand. You were just doing what you thought was right for Pixie Hollow. You trusted your gut like I was trusting mine.”

“I also wanted to apologize to you…Fawn” Nyx said this time with her head downwards. As if she couldn’t look Fawn in the eyes.

“What for, Nyx?” Fawn was puzzled.

“I’ve been harsh towards you. With all the times you’ve followed your heart by taking care of dangerous animals. I always thought that you needed to follow the rules more” Nyx said half expecting Fawn to take offense.

“I’ve always been the one to follow my heart…rules don’t let you live fully. And taking care of animals is what I was born to do. No matter how dangerous” Fawn said half laughing.
“Maybe you should follow your heart too, you know, live a little”

“I am perfectly happy with my rules. It gets the job done” Nyx eased her shoulders a bit. She didn’t feel the need to be on guard around Fawn anymore. And now that she had apologized, there was no tension between them.
“Would you like me to escort you home, Fawn?”

“Oh you don’t have to do that Nyx. I don’t want to drag you away from your scout stuff”

“I’m off duty, Fawn”

“That’s great!” Fawn almost shouted. “Uh I mean good…good for you because you work so much. Not that I notice you working or anything. Because I’m usually busy doing animal fairy things…yeah…” Fawn cringed inwards. She was mentally slapping herself.

“Yeah, it is great” Nyx managed a half smile.

They both walked together all the way back to Pixie Hollow. It was a beautiful night out. With the path lit up with pink flowers. The two walked side by side. Sharing stories about scout duties and animal training. By the time they reached Fawn’s house, Fawn’s mood seemed lighter.

“Maybe some company was the right thing” Fawn thought to herself as she walked up to the front door of her house. With Nyx in tow.

“Thanks Nyx, for walking me home” Fawn was almost intoxicated in the high of the night’s conversation.

“No problem Fawn. It was a good way to spend the night off. I’ll see you around.” Nyx smiled a warm full smile and flew away.

“I’ll see you around Nyx” Fawn said to herself as she watched Nyx fly off.

Fawn went inside her house. She closed the door and leaned against it. She smiled to herself and thought about their walk. Everything flashed on fast forward in her mind. She took a quick shower and got into bed. Her body was aching from the day’s events. She started to drift off to sleep.

“Goodnight Gruff…”

Fawn and Nyx ❤Where stories live. Discover now