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They all got back to the scout headquarters pretty quick. Once they arrived, they saw Queen Clarion was already there.

As they entered, the Queen spoke, looking directly at Nyx. " What did you find?"

"Queen Clarion" Nyx said. Giving her the usual salute. Closed fist to the left side of her chest with a slight bow.
" We think it's a wolf. Fawn helped us identify the prints" Nyx said as she looked over to Fawn. Who was standing almost in the corner.

"It's good to see you two getting along well" the Queen said to both Nyx and Fawn.
"What do you plan to do?" She asked Nyx next.

Fawn also looked at Nyx. Now that she said it was a wolf, Fawn feared they might hunt it down. She held her breath.

" We don't know how many there are. Could be just the one. There could be a whole pack of them. Attacking would be unwise..."

Fawn breathed more easy now.

"We'll double the scouts at the lookouts. And we'll get some barriers up around the forest" Nyx said

Upon hearing that, Fawn's heart sank. This would mean she won't be able to see Nyx as much anymore. She left the headquarters without anyone noticing. They were still talking about how best to keep Pixie Hollow safe.

While Fawn was on her way home, she remembered Dani. And that she wanted to take some soup for her. And since she didn't have much ingredients for soup, she went to Rosetta's.

*knock knock* " Hey Rosetta, are you home?" Fawn awaited outside Rosetta's door. After a while Rosetta opened the door.

"Hiyah Sugar" Rosetta said with a full smile.

"Hey Rosetta. I need some ingredients to make soup" Fawn said as she walked in to the house. "Dani is sick. Down with the cold. I thought I'd take some soup for her"

"That's a great idea!" She exclaimed. " I'll come with you"

They made the soup at Rosetta's place and headed towards Dani's.

"Well you never did tell me what's going on with you and Nyx. She seems sweet on you" Rosetta said teasingly.

"I don't know" Fawn said half-heartedly.

"Come on, spill" Rosetta said with concern.

" It's just that everything was going great until the wolf showed up and"

"A WOLF?!" Rosetta shouted with eyes wide.

"Not so loud, I don't want anyone to know and panic. I'm sure the scout fairies will let all of us know soon enough" Fawn said.
"They found some footprints in the forest"

"A wolf in Pixie Hollow. Well you don't see that everyday" Rosetta said
"You were saying everything was going good before the wolf showed up?"

"Oh yeah. After we all went to Winter, I took Nyx to see the sunset"

"Ohhh how romantic" Rosetta squealed.

"Haha yeah. And well she kissed me"

"What?!" Rosetta shouted again with her eyes wide.

"Yeah..." Fawn said as she started to blush.
"And well today. The wolf thing happened and now I will be seeing less of her. If not at all"

"So she's got work. I'm sure she's dieing to spend time with you too. Plus this wolf situation will be solved in a day or two and you two can go on a date, date" Rosetta said all enthusiastically.

"Yeah. I just have to get through these two, three days" Fawn said with a loud sigh.

They arrived at Dani's place and gave her the soup. They talked for a bit. Dani seemed to be much better. After visiting her, Rosetta said she had a date with one of fairies from Winter. They parted ways.

Fawn went to look at the sunset before she went home. It was always so beautiful. And none of them were like the ones before, but all of them were still beautiful.

Fawn arrived home to find Nyx waiting for her at the doorsteps. She had a small bouquet of flowers. Fawn stopped mid-flight. She was surprised to see Nyx.

Nyx hadn't seen Fawn yet. Fawn looked at her. She seemed tired and worried. This made Fawn's heart sink. Nyx's shoulders seemed tensed. And she seemed lost in thought.

Fawn approached Nyx slowly.

"Hey you" Fawn said with a slow smile.

Nyx looked up and her face lit up instantly. "Hey Fawn".

It seemed like Nyx had forgotten whatever was worrying her. "I hope you like flowers" Nyx said giving Fawn the flowers.

"I do now" Fawn took the flowers. "They are beautiful"

It was night and Fawn could only see slightly from the light by her door.

"Will you stay for a while?" Fawn asked Nyx.

"Yes. I don't have to go to work till tomorrow" Nyx replied.

"Come on in" Fawn gestured her in as she opened the door.

Fawn and Nyx ❤Where stories live. Discover now