Chapter Eleven

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Life doesn't go as planned.

I was thankful when I got an admission away from home and even more grateful when Peter told me that he'll join me at college. It was completely unexpected, we didn't plan but it happened, and so did now. Life has its own strange way to get to you, but in the end, whatever it does is always to do good. If it hits you with a disaster, its to prepare you for an impending spring and no matter how many times I say that none of my friends listen.

All of us could feel the tension in the room, Jay joked to lighten the mood but he too felt it. This past month passed with having a ticking bomb by my side and that's not unusual compared to living with my mom. I learnt to convince her and not create any unnecessary trouble, never knew it'll help me now.

'Go back to your hostels if you sit here like you're in a funeral.' Jay took a swig from his beer, 'I didn't call you to sit and mourn. This is the last day we could meet before going on our separate ways and that bugger is already busy with his girlfriend. At least let's pretend to be okay without him.'

'He didn't come because of me.' Gowtham's eyes are on his lap. I wish he didn't face rejection but that didn't bother him more than Abhi avoiding him. If only they could talk and sort out, they would realize that their friendship is worth more than their petty ego.

'You keep thinking that he didn't come because of you while that bastard is happy with his fucking life.' Peter said, half of his beer already empty while I still didn't touch mine. Not that I don't want to, just that it doesn't feel right. Something is missing, and its happiness. Being around them makes me happy with all the laughter and jokes we share but now, all of them are making me even more depressed with their state.

'How did we start college and how did we end up?' They turned to me.

'Yeah, a break-up, betrayal and a heart-break. Too much sadness, at least we both are not part of the mourning group, Ajay.'

'No, we can't be happy when they are not—'

'Who said I'm not happy?' Peter responded as if its a reflex.

'No ra, it's no—'

'Don't sugar coat, I know what you mean and just so you know, I'm happy that she's not with me, or who will listen to all her bullshit. She keeps eating my brain when I don't want to listen and to think that she's such a nag.'

Everyone knows it's not the truth but we didn't voice out. He made it difficult for us to talk him out of his anger fit and if we open up now, we won't be surprised if he pushes us from Jay's balcony.

'Shut up and drink your beer. Ajay meant Gowtham, look how depressed he is for something that happened years ago.'

Gowtham rolled his eyes but didn't say a word. He knows he's a diversion these days.

'Have a best friend betray you and behave like the mistake is yours. Then tell me if you won't brood over it.'

'I will, but for two years? I don't think so.' Jay said and we broke into a laugh but my eyes darted to Peter—checking on him is my unpaid duty these days. He didn't join us but smiled for our sake as he picked his phone from the floor. Even that fake smile fell as quickly as it appeared after looking at the illuminated phone screen. He tossed his phone on the floor and his face turned grim again. That's how he carried himself nowadays, his usual smile is gone.

He's expecting her calls or texts but the last he heard is at the restaurant where they fought. Even if he pretends he is alright, he isn't. It's as clear as day that he's sleep-deprived from excessive thinking or why else would his head droop during lectures. He sits in the library or in his room surrounded by books like he's on a mission and not a joke can make him laugh.

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