Chapter Four

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Curtain rings moved with a rustle and light fell on my eyes as I struggled to keep them open. My eyelids carried a ton of dizziness as my eyelashes batted against them whenever I blinked. Everything around is blurry and there is a faint noise of people talking.

I fiddled with the sheets to make sure and a sharp pain rose in my head with my abrupt struggle—a hundred needles seemed to have pricked my skull without my notice. I sat up and caressed my forehead, trying to nurse the pain. This is when I need mom's coffee and Naproxen.

'Slept well?'

I nodded and rubbed my eyes with my knuckles.

'I've never seen anyone more irresponsible than you three. Didn't I text you to bring him back by eleven as it's his wedding?' Dave asked Ajay, who sat on the floor looking sleepless and dishevelled. I don't need to look at myself to know that I look like him.

All I remember is sitting by the beach, calling Annie and then hitting a bar, but I don't know how we ended up in the terrace room of my house.

'We decided to have one beer and call it a night but Abhi drove us to a bar.' Ajay answered, not meeting Dave's eyes.

'You have no idea what would have happened if anyone noticed you three coming home drunk. Thank god everyone was asleep by the time you came.' He pressed the nozzle of the aerosol and sprayed it around.

'How come no one saw?' My voice is rasp to my own ears.

'You have me as your servant, don't you?'

I smiled.

'Smile all you want now itself as you're dad will make you cry if we're not at the church by nine.'

'Oh right, how can I forget? I'm getting married.'

'David, don't worry, we'll take care.' Ajay got up from the floor, ready to take on a mission.

Dave raised his brows and gestured to where Abhi is sprawled across the bed like a huge elephant shot with a sedative. 'Wake him up and make him look sober, we'll think about you taking care later on.'

'I'm sorry.' Tears are just at the edge of his eye lids. One more disappointing glance can make them flow like a river.

'Your sorry wouldn't have fixed this mess if Jessie or his parents decided to show up here last night.' He popped the plastic cap over the nozzle and put it inside the cupboard by the double bed. 'I'll be back in an hour. By that time shower and dress up, three of you.'

He left with an air of authority as his voice held a silent warning, resembling dad's. Being a parent has side effects, they tend to treat everyone as their child.

I double-checked the doorway, making sure that Dave is out of sight and gestured Ajay to close the door. He ran and bolted the door without a question or a hint of doubt like he read my mind. Sometimes Ajay and I make a great team.

This morning is extremely sunny and humid, great weather for a wedding but an awful time to nap and relax. But there are exceptions; despite the scorching heat and his sweaty skin, Abhi slept like a baby. He's in his happy place when we're struggling with our hang-over. Not something I like.

His eyes snapped wide open as he fell off the bed at my kick, and grunted like an animal while gathering himself. Ajay on the other hand, laughed, any trace of tears Dave caused now far away.

'Mad or what?!' Abhi yelled, struggling to compose himself. Man, I love troubling him. It's like teasing a toddler.

'Why did you drive us to the bar? So that Ajay can hear an earful from Dave?'

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