being disowned by my own brother.

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As I was walking to the Gryffendor table a lot of students were watching me and whispering to each other. When I got to Lily I tapped her shoulder. She turns around and looked at me.

Lily: Hi Lizzie what's up?

Lizzie: Hey even if we aren't in the same house will we still be friends.

Lily smiles and nodded her head. SHe even said all three of us Severus, Lily and I will still be great friends. I smiled and hugged her. When we separated I heard James laughing. I walked over to him Sirius tapped his shoulder and he looked at me. He gave me a weird looked and looked away to his friends.

James: what are you doing here snake?

Lizzie: came to talk to you.

James: well I have no reason to talk to you. I don't even know you.

Lizzie: but....

James got up and got staight in my face.

James: which part of I don't know you don't you understand?! WE ARE NO LONGER SIBLINGS SO NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN!!!!

The Gryffendor table began to laugh. As I was about to leave James said something disrespectful. So I grabbed a mettle plate and bitched slapped him that he fell to the floor passed out. I dropped the plate on his head and lean close to his face with a smirk.

Lizzie: you may hear this or you may not, but the next time you say something disrespectful about me say it to my face and not behind my back were I can hear you. I say practice your whispering bitch.

I got  back up again and looked at all the Gryffendors with an evil smirk.

Lizzie: have a great night everyone. good to see you again Sirius. See you later Lily.

I then walked back to my table and half of the Slytherin table gave me a highfive and complemented me on what I did. I sat back in my spot and began to eat my food.

Severus: was that really necessary?

Lizzie: yes he pissed me off and my dad said if he is rude I can beat his ass when I want to.

Severus nodded and went back to eating.

Severus: now I know not to make you angry.

Lizzie: yep or you will be sent to the hospital wing.

The twin of a Potter a Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy love storyWhere stories live. Discover now