Chapter 27: Together At Last

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    The moment Dexter's lips touched Raven's, a burst of pure magic issued out, just as it had with Daring and Cerise. Raven gasped and sat up immediately, nearly knocking Dexter's glasses off. Color slowly returned to her skin and eyes.

    She turned to look at Dexter. "My hero." She said with a laugh, hugging him tightly. Dexter looked more startled than anything. Nevertheless, he hugged her back.

    "Gah!" Headmaster Grimm yelled. "I thought that all of our problems would finally be gone!" Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Headmaster Grimm rushed off the balcony and out of sight.

    Raven burst out laughing. Everyone looked at her as though she had lost her mind. "He's gonna be in so much trouble... Wishing that a student was dead." Everyone began to laugh with her.

    The people on the balcony surged forward to give Raven hugs and to apologize in Apple's case. You could tell that she was truly sorry, and didn't know what came over her. She promised that she would never do anything so evil ever after again. Luckily for her, Raven was very forgiving. And so was everyone else.

    Daring finished congratulating Dexter on his first kiss and stepped out of the mob forming around Raven. He turned to see Cerise running over to him. As soon as they embraced, Cerise burst into tears.

    "I am so sorry I did that to you." She cried. "I was just so heartbroken about Raven and everything... I felt like it was my fault like it was OUR fault. I didn't know what else to do."

    "It's ok." Daring said comforting her. As he said this Apple wandered timidly over.

    "Raven wasn't the only person I hurt. You guys are meant for each other, I can see that now. Do you think that you could find it somewhere in your hearts to forgive me too?" Apple looked at them hopefully. "You don't have to if you don't want to. I would understand."

    Daring looked to Cerise. What Apple had done was terrible, but if they couldn't find the strength to be kind and forgive her... then they would be no better than her. Cerise smiled and nodded. "We forgive you." Daring said.

    Apple smiled and huge tears began to roll down her face. "Thank you." And with that, she wandered off back into the crowd, presumably to go find Raven.

    "So, now that we're together again, I have an idea of the first thing I want to do." Cerise said smiling up at Daring.

    "And what's that?"

    Cerise reached up, put her arms around Daring's neck, and kissed him.

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