Chapter 11: So This is Love

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    Daring entered the gymnasium. He was greeted by the flashing lights of a disco ball and loud music. The gymnasium was covered from head to toe in red and gold decorations. Students milled about the room, some dancing, some making small talk, and others eating desserts from the snack table.

    "Hey, Dude! Over here" Sparrow called to him. He beckoned him over to a group of guys chatting in the corner.

    "Don't you all have dates to dance with?"

    "Yeah, but they're all in the bathroom talking." Hunter said through a mouthful of cupcake. "They will be gone for a while, so we have some free time." Just as he said this a group of girls walked in, and Ashlynne waved him over. "Dang it."

    "I guess the party's over." Sparrow whined as he walked off towards Duchess Swan.

    They paused and turned back to Daring. "Aren't you coming?" Dexter asked before he reached Raven. "Apple's right over here."

    Hopper suddenly looked terrified. "What's wrong with you bro?" Hunter questioned, motioning for Ashlynne to wait a minute. Daring glared at Hopper and nodded "No". Hopper let out a croak and transformed into a frog before hopping over to Briar Beauty. "What was that about?"

    "Nothing." Daring said before walking off in the other direction. He could feel the others staring at him questioningly, but he didn't turn back. He fast-walked over to a set of tables, as to not draw any attention, and sat down.

    Years of training and conditioning told him that he should just follow his story, do what he was told, and go dance with Apple. Instead, he just sat there looking over the crowd hopefully.

    Then she walked into the room. Her hair loosely braided to one side, her dress coming down just above her black leather boots. For a second Daring forgot how to breathe. She was perfect. And at that moment, he knew he was making the right choice.

    She moved over to a corner and stood there looking lonely. This was it. He stood up and took a shaky step forward. Nervously, he made his way through the crowds focusing on every breath.

    "Hey Cerise." He could feel his cheeks turning pink. She looked up and smiled at him. "I realized I never properly thanked you for helping us win the game."

    "That's ok... You're welcome."

    "If you don't mind, I'd like to thank you in a different way... Would you dance with me?"

    "I think I'm last in line for that." She said gesturing to a group of girls that were trying to get his attention.

    "But I'd rather dance with you." He held his hand out for her to take. She grinned from ear to ear. Grabbing his hand she pulled him out onto the dance floor.

    As soon as she touched his hand, he felt a surge like nothing he had ever felt before. Electricity moved from the tips of his fingers to the center of his pounding heart. He had held Apple's hand many times before, and yet nothing like this had ever happened.

    He decided not to waste another second. He put his hand around her waist and pulled her into his arms. They danced and danced until they could no longer. Daring finally understood it, why he was questioning everything, because he had never felt the magic that true love creates before. And now that he had, there was no going back.

    He was a Rebel.

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