Chapter 20: Maddie Gets Valuable Information For the Readers

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Who's hiding in the shadows?!

Maddieeeeeeeee. Why do you insist upon torturing me?

Are you crying?


You're trying not to laugh!

Quit talking, I'm supposed to be narrating.

You wanna tell me! Why would you, my adorably friendly Narrator, want to spoil part of the story?

No one said I wanted to spoil anything. Anyway, by this time, the readers probably already have a few guesses as to who is there.

That makes sense... No, wait... It really doesn't, and I am usually really good at making sense of things.

Apple is in the bushes.

What!?!? Why would you tell me that?! I thought "no spoilers" was a narrating rule!

Well, it's not exactly a plot twist, most of the readers probably saw that coming.

Are you feeling alright Narrator?

Yes, I am completely fine. I am simply demonstrating to the readers a type of literary device that they may see in many of the things they read.


Because it seemed like this would be the best time for it.

What is it then?

The plot device? It is called dramatic irony. It's where the reader knows and is aware of something that the characters are not aware of. And they can do nothing about it.

Wow, way to be cruel.

You asked the question first.

Yeah, but the whole "AND THEY CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT IT!!!! DUN DUN DUN!" seems kinda harsh.

Well, I didn't say it like THAT.

Yes, but your evil and demeaning tone were implied.

While I admire the fact that you are learning more descriptive words, I do not appreciate being called "Evil and demeaning".

Oh well, I guess I'll talk to you later. Thanks for the info!

You're welcome... I try to be nice and answer your question without being begged for once, and this is what I get.

Oh quit muttering to yourself and get back to narrating!

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