Chapter 13: Dare To Keep a Secret?

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    Daring slumped in the red and gold plush armchair and stared thoughtfully into the warm, crackling fireplace. What had he done wrong? Did he scare her away? Maybe he was too forward, made himself too obvious. He hadn't meant for the night to go the way it did, he just wanted to see what being around someone other than Apple was like. And he learned that it was amazing.

    Just then Sparrow Hood came charging into the Royal Common Room clutching a pair of thick black glasses in his hands. Seconds later came Dexter and Hunter Huntsman.

    "Come on man give them back" Dexter begged.

    "Yeah, you know Dexter is blind without them." Hunter called.

     Dexter turned to Hunter with a scowl on his face. "Either you try to help me, or you pick on me, you are not legally allowed to do both."

    "Where is that in the laws?" Sparrow questioned.

     "Under the law of "No stealing Dexter's glasses." He called to Sparrow who was now standing on top of a sculpture of Snow White.

    "I am Sparrow Hood!" He yelled triumphantly. "I am above all laws!"

    At that moment Humphrey Dumpty tottered into the room. His smooth eggshell cracking into a bright smile. "What's up, guys?"

    "Oh, nothing." Sparrow called down. "Hey, Humphrey need a new pair of glasses?" As he said this, he tossed Dexter's glasses to Humphrey. They landed perfectly atop his crown.

    Dexter rushed over and snatched the glasses from his head before they had a chance to fall to the ground. Putting them onto his face he noticed Daring staring at him from behind his chair. "Have you been up here this whole time?"

    "Yeah, didn't feel like sitting around alone."

    "You wouldn't have been alone." Sparrow said with a snicker. "Apple spent half the evening looking for you."

    "Yeah, she looked devastated when we told her we hadn't seen you since the dance started."

    "I saw you." Dexter muttered with a small smile on his face. "So did Hopper... I'm pretty sure he plans on strangling you when you get back to your room. He's really freaking out."

    "He didn't leave the dance after we met up?" Hunter asked, confused.

    "Nope." Dexter said matter of factly before turning to head out. "I'm headed to bed. Night All."

    "Wait!" Hunter said with mock desperation. "Where was he, I have to know."

    "Nah, I'm too tired to talk right now." Dexter called back before shutting the door behind him.

    They all turned to Daring with hope for an explanation. But instead, he stood up and rushed out the door before they could pester him with questions.

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