Chapter 4: No Maidens Allowed!

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    "Alright!" Daring announced when he had finished putting on his Bookball uniform. "Beanstalk High is made up of giants. Their overall size will help them win." He was pacing up and down the edge of the perfectly manicured field. He stopped and turned to the team. "Our only hope is to be fast... REALLY fast."

    Coach Gingerbread Man nodded in approval. "You would do best to weave through their legs and dodge as much as you can."

    Dexter scratched the back of his neck. "Ya'know, I'm not very good at this, let alone fast... So maybe I could just sit this one out." He looked to Daring hopefully.

    "Nonsense, Little Bro, we're gonna need all the help we can get."

    "All the help you can get?" A voice asked from a couple of yards away. Cerise Hood briskly strode up to them, stopping a few feet from the group. "I want to join."

    "Of cou-" Daring began, but Sparrow Hood interrupted him.

    "No way."

   "Why not? I'm really fast. Back in my village, we play a game where we have to outrun the wolves. Years of Basket Run have made me one of the fastest people in the school. And-"

    "No girls allowed." Sparrow said firmly. "Maidens are for rescuing, not for playing defense."

    "Excuse me?"

    "You heard me. No girls allowed."

    Cerise began to growl at Sparrow, slowly moving closer to him. She looked like she was ready to strangle him. A fact that Sparrow also must have noticed, because he started backing up.

    Just then, the three little pigs walked up behind Cerise, in order to deliver some new book balls for the game. The three little pigs squealed in fear and dropped the balls, running for their lives. Cerise's eyes went wide in fear. Turning, she ran away in the opposite direction of the pigs.

    "Sparrow!" Daring yelled in frustration. "That was rude. I expect you to apologize to her later."

    "What?! You know the rules, girls don't play sports."

    "Sorry to break the news to you," Dexter said, intervening. "But there is nothing in the rules about girls playing."

    "Yeah," Daring said, backing Dexter up. " And even if there was, Briar has been playing Hextreme sports for years."

    "And she shouldn't be." Sparrow grunted. "Look, I'll apologize to her if I see her, but she can't be on the team. If she joins, I'm leaving."

    The rest of the team looked back and forth to each other with uncertainty. "Alright." Daring said after a moment of contemplation. "Agh look what you've done." He gasped.

    "What?" Sparrow asked.

    "You made me sweat!" He was now staring in a handheld mirror, pointing at a single drop of sweat on his brow. "I'm ruined!" He wiped it off and then smiled. "That's better."

    The birds began to sing in the trees, and a soft wind began to blow. Apple White had stepped onto the field.

    "Yoohoo!" She called, her soft, sweet voice echoed through the field. "I was just wondering how the Bookball float for the Thronecoming parade was going."

    "It is doing just fine, we've asked a couple of art kids who have already finished their floats if they can do ours." Daring said flashing a smile, Apple giggled. "You know, so we can practice for the big game."

    "Yeah, we're going to crush those giants!" Sparrow yelled and pumped a fist in the air.

    "I'm pretty sure the crushing will be happening the other way round." Dexter muttered.

    "I'm sure you guys will do fableously." Apple paused before looking to Daring and batting her eyes. "Daring... is there something you wanted to ask me?" She said pushing her golden curls from her face.

    "Um...," Daring began scratching his head, trying to figure out if there was something he was forgetting. "How has your day been?" He tried. Apple slumped in disappointment.

    "Fine, just fine." Apple turned to leave. Her face turned the same color as her buckled heels. "See ya at the parade!" She called back as she exited the stadium, doing her best to refrain from stomping.

Daring turned to the team and raised an eyebrow. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Dude!" Sparrow said, exasperatedly. "She was waiting for you to ask her to the Thronecoming dance!"


Ever After High: ThronecomingWhere stories live. Discover now