Chapter 23: Poisoned Apples

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    "What on earth do you think you're doing?!"

    "Umm... eating my lunch." Cerise replied innocently.

    "I mean, what do you think you're doing with Daring?" Apple grunted. Then she turned to the astonished prince and said in a much kinder tone. "And Daring sweety, what are you doing at the Rebel table?"

    "Also eating my lunch..." Daring stared up at Apple. Somehow, even though he had faced dragons and giants, Apple was one of the most terrifying things he had ever seen. Her smile usually radiated joy and happiness around the school, but now as he looked at her, all he could see was anger. "Are you all right, Apple?"

    "No, I am not all right!" Apple was nearly screaming at this point. "First my best friend tries to leave our story, and then this... this she-wolf steals my prince! Everyone is purposely trying to steal MY happily ever after!"

    "Apple!" Daring stood up. He WAS just going to play it cool, but Apple had said something that most people wouldn't get. She had called Cerise a "She-wolf". Daring knew now she had been spying on them. "No one is purposely trying to steal your happily ever after." He said calmly. "Some people just want their own happily ever afters. The world doesn't revolve around  you."

    Those around the Rebel table muttered their agreements. Apple couldn't seem to talk. She turned back to Cerise and tried to look firm. "Stay away from Daring." She ordered.

    "No!" Cerise had joined Daring on her feet. There was no way she was going to just stay away from her true love.

    "I am a future queen... you have to do what I say." She stomped her foot, getting increasingly more frustrated by the minute. "Stay away from Daring!"

   "I just said no!" Cerise had had it. She moved toward Apple angrily... but somehow Apple was faster. Apple grabbed the edge of her hood and pulled it back so the whole of the castleteria could see Cerise's ears.

    "How about now?" Apple said triumphantly, crossing her arms. Cerise desperately tried to pull the hood back up, but it was no use. Everyone had already seen them. Cerise shrieked and rushed out of the room running as fast as she could.

    "What is wrong with you?" Daring screamed at Apple. She had gone far beyond crossing the line. "You'd have to be nuts if you think I would ever love you willingly."  He ran out of the castleteria to find the probably now terrified Cerise.

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