That Certain Beautiful Girl. |Tom Parker|

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Author's Note: Hey, lovies! I know that some of the ones who requested a one-shot to me had been very mad at me, I think. Well, Truly, I still can't do your one-shots. But I will. But as you can see, I posted that the fill-up forms are all closed for now. So, please. Don't you just post here and there. It's because I may not do it at all. And please, It's very annoying. Thank you. Anyways, This Tom Parker one-shot is for the TWFanmily there! Hahahaha~ Okay, So, I do not have any against One Direction or anything, but I just mentioned them there because I know that The Wanted and One Direction had been rivals ever since. Just to be clear, I have nothing against One Direction, It's because too I am a fan of One Direction too. :D And The Wanted. :D Well, okay, here 'ya go.

That Certain Beautiful Girl. |Tom Parker| One-shot

"Max! Get down here and help me, you moron!" I called to my older brother, Max. Confused? Well, I am currently making breakfast for the lads. "Wait up, Renee! I'm still styling my.....Styling my hair!" He yelled for me. "YOU DON'T HAVE ANY HAIR YOU IDIOT! JUST COME DOWN HERE AND HELP YOUR SISTER!" I yelled back, and put the omelet on the plate. "COMING, LOVE!" He yelled with a fake girl squeal. I rolled my eyes and muttered to myself, "What a dork." I chuckled at my own statement and I put the omelet on the table. "GUYS! BREAKFAST IS READY!" I called for them downstairs. I heard five pairs of feet, and I hear Nathan, Jay, Tom and Siva screaming, "FOOD!" I hear them all go down the staircase. I heard a 'thud' coming from the foyer. I made a face. Tom started strutting in the kitchen. "Hey, beautiful." He winked at me.

I blushed madly and looked away from him so he can't see my red face. "Oh, hey Tom. Where's the others?" I asked, with a goofy grin on my face. "They are suppose to here in any sec-" He was cutted off by my brother, Max. Max soon came and walked in the kitchen with Nathan, Jay and Siva trailing behind him. "Hey, little sissy! What's you cooking!?!?" Max smiled. I grinned at him. "I cooked ome-" I was interrupted by Siva, by him dashing in the dining table. We all sweatdropped as Siva loaded five omelets in his plate. He scarved it all like a second and after that, they were all gone like he's a trashcan. We all looked at him like he's an alien or something like that. We all laughed as he wiped his mouth with the tissue and flushed in embarassment. "You guys are going to go for an interview, am I right?" I say, reminding every space of their stupid minds. All of their forks and spoons dropped, and I laughed so much as they all dashed at their bathrooms for changing up or even taking a quicky shower. I put their dishes away and washed all of it before I could even go upstairs and take a nice shower.

Once I was finished, I quickly dried myself and warpped my body on my blue towel and dried my hair, wrapping my hair with the red towel. I reached to open the door and opened it until someone knocked me, making me fall onto the cold cemented floor, closing my eyes in the progress. I felt some soft thing on my lips, and I opened my eyes, my eyes widened as I saw Tom's lips on mine. I was blushing like a mad woman, and I pushed him off. He seemed to snapped out of his thoughts when I pushed him to the floor. I stood up quickly and wished that I should have just gotten away fast, until someone's hands wrapped onto my waist, making me pull towards him. I looked up and saw Tom, grinning widely. He started leaning in and I felt his lips on mine again. Sparks, bombs, fireworks were everywhere! Tell me about it! Now, I know what it feels like when I'm in heaven. B-But wait. I can't do this. I can't do this to him and to his girlfriend. I just can't. I pulled away, and ran away, with tears falling down onto the carpet, to my room. Still sobbing, I continued dressing up. "What will I do? If I just came out of this room, maybe I could just treat and act like nothing happen? Or should I just scold Tom or something. Or maybe I should ignore him. Oh yeah. Ignore him, Renee. Ignore him Renee." I murmured to myself.

I zipped my black dress, and put on a leather jacket. I put on some black leather boots, I applied some mascara and make-up and brushed my hair. When I was finished, I quickly grabbed my phone and my bag, form my dresser and held it tight once I placed my hands to the cold doorknob, turning it and stepped outside. I quickly closed it and slammed the door. I quickly jogged downstairs and went outside. They were all outside, probably waiting for me. I saw Tom turned to look at me, but I kept my eyes to the ground. I looked up when Max called me, "Now my beautiful sister came out of here dungeon!" I glared at him and he whispered, "What?" He looked so innocent, but I regretted it for being a bitch. "I-It's just... I am not in the mood. That's all, Max." I lied. I ignored Tom's stare, but I felt uncomfortable by his gaze. "Come on, Renee, Max, Tom! Come inside! Siva, Jay and I have been waiting for you all!" Nathan's accent rang to my ears. I nodded aggressively and went inside the limo, with Nathan, Max and Tom trailing behind me.

The car ride was full of tension. Well, almost. Nathan, Max, Jay are all asleep, while Siva was texting on his phone. Max and Nathan made me sit beside Tom, and I think Tom already told them what had happened. Tom was just gazing at me with his beautiful orbs, and I managed for so long and that I survived that long without even looking at those breathtaking eyes. My lips quiver, and tears began brimming my eyes, and I felt someone pull my chin, and I looked deeply with those gorgeous windows. They were full of loneliness, sadness, regret, anger, hope, and a flicker of love. I turned away from him. "Please look at me, Renee." I heard him say. I turned to him and saw him. He smiled, I didn't even smiled back. He frowned and muttered, "Renee, please talk to me." I just stared at him, and opened my mouth to say something, until, the driver says, "Lads, we're here." I just shrugged at him, with a frown. Siva and I began waking the others up, making Nathan and I bump our foreheads in the progress.

"And today's guest is THE WANTED!" The interviewer, Sofia Ross (Just made up) exclaimed through the walls. All of the audience stand up and give them a clap. The five of them walked down to Sofia and Sofia hugged them all, kissing them all on their cheeks. I felt a pang of jealousy once Sofia's lips touched Tom's. I just shook it all off as Sofia pulled away and gestured for them all to take their seats. They all sat on the sofa and Sofia greeted them, "Hello, mates! Good evening!" "Good evening to you, too!" Max exclaimed. Sofia smiled at my brother and I saw a wink of spark and hope in Max's eyes. My brother likes Sofia! Eeepp~ I like Sofia, though. She had been my favorite interviewer along with Ellen DeGeneres. "So, lads, What makes you think that One Direction comes more famous than you all?" Sofia asked them. "Well, I think, that One Direction has an oppurtunity that they are all good than us." Nathan answered. "But, We all thought about it. We are more hotter, sexier and more better than them." Nathan added. I smiled crookedly, and thought, 'This is what I like about Nathan.'  

Sofia chuckled while I sniggered. She grinned widely as she asked them, "Do you guys have girlfriends now, perhaps? I mean, yeah, I know you, Siva are planning to marry, Nareesha?" Siva smiled proudly and he responded with his Irish accent, "Well, yeah. Of course I do, I mean- I love Nareesha that much. I would never ever do anything selfless with her." I smiled and muttered, "Awww." Sofia flashed a smile at him and cooed, "Awww, That's cute! You two are both are perfect for each other!" Siva blushed madly and covers his face in embarassment. We all laughed as Sofia moved on with Siva and to Jay, "How about you, Jay?" "I am completely single right now." Jay beamed at her. Sofia shook her head and laugh at him. She faced then Max and wondered, "How about you, Max?" He smirked at her and Sofie blushed madly but didn't looked away. "Well, I am single." Max replied. Her cheeks went hot and I giggled. She then turned to Nathan and before she could even ask him, Nathan quickly sang out, "Single pringle with a new dingle." I laughed at him and his eyes wandered around the room, looking for me. His eyes finally found mine, and he flashed a grin at me. I rolled my eyes and he stuck his tongue out. Sofia turned to me and she say, "Oh! you must be the famous Renee George that they all have been talking about!"

I waved at the camera and at Sofie. Sofia turned back to the lads. She then faced Tom and solicited, "What about you, Tom? Any news with your love life?" The crowd and the studio went silent, waiting for his answer. His eyes fixated on mine, and I just straightened my eyes at him. "I.... yeah. I have." He started to say. "Well, go on." insisted Sofia. "You all know that me and my girlfriend, Kelsey Hardwick broke up last month ago, correct?" His eyes still on mine. I was shocked, so that's why he kept looking at me. "Okay..." Sofia trailed off. "So, what do you meant by that, Tom?" Sofia asked him. Tom smiled at me and my heart quickened. "Well, we broke up because I fell in love. With someone else. She was always there for me and the rest of my band. She was there for me everytime I have problems. I've used to have the guts to tell her, but I can't. As if like I am being trapped inside. I am in truly madly, deeply in love with this girl. That Certain Beautiful Girl.

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