The Best Summer. |Toby Turner (Tobuscus)|

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 Author’s Note: Okay, guys. Now, I managed in updating some one-shots! Okay, some of you know that you guys requested a one-shot. But, I am still doing yours. C: Because I am that awesome. Okay. Awesome Renee is on the house, baby! Anyways, Hahaha~ I am still doing many one-shots, which is currently, a ChaoticMonki, also known as Cry or Ryan, or what ever, Hahahaha~ and also known as my twin brother, not exactly, who I only call him that, which is a request from Guardian of Visions. I am still currently doing a Danisnotonfire or Dan Howell one-shot for you guys, and honestly, I am quite having a hard time in doing it. I am having a hard time in making ideas, but oh well. Hahaha~ Anyways, I am still planning in doing a PewDiePie one-shot, Jacksfilms, Phil Lester, Mr. Repzion, Captain Sparklez, more Tobuscus one-shots. Okay, Here’s the Toby Turner one-shot, and enjoy reading. Bless your face. If you sneeze in reading this Author’s Note, Bless you. Peace off. Boop! ~Reneebuscus


The Best Summer. |Toby “Tobuscus” Turner| One-shot

It was summer. It was a quite boring summer. It was morning, and you just woke up from your sleepy slumber. You let out a sigh, and you rested your head on your pillow. You were currently locked up in your bedroom, because you don’t know what to do over the summer. You are in a flat with your house mate, also known as your own wonderful best friend, Y/F/N. (Your friend’s name.) Your eyes locked up over the ceiling, and your thoughts wandered from the boring summer to a man, a certain man who you dreamt in meeting, named Toby Turner. You let out a dreamy sigh, and smiled hugely. You suddenly realized what you were doing. It was quite pathetic in day dreaming about your own celebrity crush that you already know that you would never have a chance in meeting him. You shook your head, amused at yourself. You were a huge fan of his, and along with the other YouTubers in YouTube. You know everything about him. “Okay, Y/N (Your name), Stop thinking about him. You’re not going to meet him. You are just going to enjoy the boring summer inside your bedroom.” You murmured to yourself, sighing sadly. Sighing, You managed in putting your feet up, and rubbed it against the cold floor. You shivered, and you lifted your own head from your bed.
You sat in a sitting position and you saw your computer standing across from your room. You got an idea so you can get away from boredom. You stood up, putting your bedroom slippers on. You glided across from your room, walking to your computer. You reached the computer table, and sat on the computer chair. You flashed a smiled to yourself and opened the monitor, and the rest. Once it opened, revealing your desktop, You smiled as you guided the mouse over the Google Chrome link. You clicked it, and typed of your own favourite website, which is YouTube. Your lips curved into a smile as YouTube appeared to your screen. You typed the name, Toby Turner. His videos popped up and you grinned at the screen. You clicked every video once in a while, while watching all of those videos you clicked and chosen. You kept laughing, and happy and ridiculous tears started flowing down your face from all that laughing. You nearly fell over your chair, at least you balanced. You wiped your tears with your fingers, and stopped laughing for a while as your stomach rumbles. You sighed and stood up. You were up for a tea, a coffee, or even Starbucks. You decided to change your pajamas outfit to a casual outfit, which one of your favourites. You checked yourself from your mirror and fixed up your hair. You smiled at yourself, and straightened up.
You headed to your bedroom door, and opened it. Once you are outside the room, You closed it and locked it. You walked past your Y/F/N’s room, and your friend’s head perked up as she heard your footsteps. “Y/N? Where are you going?” Y/F/N hopped off her bed and walked out of her room, walking towards you. You turned to her and say, “I am just going for some coffee.” “Oh. Can I go with you?” She asked. You nodded and replied, “Of course! You have to change first.” You gestured on her outfit, which is only shorts, and bra. She looked at it and turned to you, flushing in embarrassment. “Oh. Sorry!” She screamed, with her cheeks tinted pink, and she returned again at her room. You shook your head, laughing and backed up against a wall, leaning on it. After few minutes. She was finished, wearing her favourite outfit, which you know that she is always wearing many times. You glanced at it and stifled a laugh.
“What?” She asked, looking at you, puzzled, and glanced at her outfit, before turning back to you with an innocent expression. You shook your head again and rolled your eyes. “Nothing.” You let out, chuckling and turning away from her. Your friend rolled her eyes and walked to you. You lead her out of the flat and locked the front door. You placed your hands inside your pockets before meeting your eyes to hers, “Let’s go.” You said, smiling at her, earning yourself a smile back. You and your friend reached to Starbucks and walked inside the café. You both looked around as the sweet and warm aroma of the coffees roamed around the café. You let in a big breathe in, and exhaled, calmly. Your friend looked at you and teased, “You’re always like that, don’t you, Y/N?” She giggled as you rolled your orbs and teased back, ‘Says the girl who loves coffee like me.” It’s now her turn to roll her eyes and she asked you, looking around the café, “Do you want me to order or you?” “It’s okay, Y/F/N. I got it.” You beamed, and patted her shoulder. She smiled and nodded her head towards you thankfully. You grinned at her as she walked over an available seats. You walked over to a counter, which only have few customers. You stood up in front of an old lady. She glanced at you and you smiled. She smiled back and says, “Hello dear.”
“Hello, good morning.” You greeted at her, smiling. She grinned and nodded at you. I grinned and suddenly, The café’s door opened. You didn’t bother looking at the person who opened it, but that person spoke to her or himself. You raised your eyebrow and glanced at the person, who was a male, and is standing with a dark jacket, and jeans. His back is facing you. He’s sort of holding his phone, and recording himself. You heard him talking to himself, and you could have sworn that his voice sounds familiar. You got your full attention to him and you realized who it is. Your eyes widened as you mumbled, “Could it be?” As if on cue, The person turned around with his phone facing him. Your eyes widened as you saw, The Toby Joe Turner.
Your heart beat started speeding up, as he walks towards you. You looked away from him, so he cannot know that you know or recognized him. The old lady in front of you was looking at you and Toby. She was glancing back and forth with you and Toby. She smiled as she noticed you saw her. She grinned and asked you, “Is that your boyfriend?” Heat started radiating all over your cheeks and stuttered out, “N-No. H-He’s n-not m-m-my boyfriend.” She let out a laugh and replied to you, chuckling, “Sounds likely, dearly. You two are perfect for each other.” You blushed more, and you were fluttered. “I remember that time that my husband and I first met. We were both like that. I kept glancing at him and looking at him dreamily as if he’s my celebrity crush.” She told you, with a smile on her face.
There was a certain twinkle on her bright blue eyes as she looked at you. “Really?” You asked, grinning. “Yes, dear. I used to have a same spark as you looked at that guy over there. But….. Then that time came. He passed away.” She said, sadly. You frowned and patted her back, “Ummm…. Sorry, I really am.” “You can call me Angelique.” She smiled. You smiled back and said, “I am really sorry for about what happened to your husband. He’s lucky to have someone like you, Angelique.” “Yes, Thanks dear. My husband’s name was Taylor. See, child. I think there will be like a story like Taylor and I’s story like you and that man there.” She muttered, glancing at Toby.
You blushed, your heart fluttered. You scratched the back of your neck, nervously. “Thank you, Angelique.” You smiled. She then glanced again and giggled. You now have an amused look on your face. She looked at you, her eyes twinkling with mischief and happiness. “What is it, Angelique?” You asked, smiling, in amused manner. She giggled and whispered to you, “The guy behind you is gazing at you and watching you. He heard us the whole time.” Your eyes widened and gulped, blushing hard. You took a glance behind you, hearing a faint giggle from Angelique.
Now, You know and believed that Angelique was right. The beautiful and amazing Toby Joe Turner is looking at you. His attention is fully towards you. That’s when you saw him personally and nearly. That’s when you took his gorgeous features clearly. The beautiful and huge smile formed into his face as you look at him. His dark brown mopped hair was mopped up over to the sides. His eyes were in deep shade of color hazel, and it was mesmerizing. His nose looks so adorable, You were tempted in kissing it. You felt somehow a connection with him, and his eyes were lingering deeply to yours. That’s when you realized, This is the beginning of your happiest memories from your life. This was no longer a boring summer. This was clearly The Best Summer you ever had.

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