A Nephalem's Soulmate

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"Excuse me?" I stepped out from behind Castiel. I was still gripping the blade in my hand; once I began squeezing the handle the lettering and runes began glowing catching everyone's attention.

"Ange, what's in your hand?" Sam gestured to the blade.

I held the blade out to him so he could take it. The three of them stood together examining it.

"I've never seen anything like this in the lore books." Sam was turning the blade over and over to see each rune and lettering.

"Gabriel?" Castiel looked to his brother in confusion.


"Stop messing around. Explain what that is." He said pointing to the blade.

"Honestly, I have no idea. Your little girlfriend here touched my angel blade, it started glowing and doing weird things and this is the result of it."

"You had his archangel blade?" Dean asked looking at me bewildered.

"Yes, he was giving it to me as a gesture of trust. But as he stated, I touched it and it turned into this."

"What are you talking about Nephilim's for?" Castiel asked.

"Nephalem." Gabriel corrected.

"No. That's not possible. They don't exist." Castiel argued.

"Well, little bro, she's living proof that they do. And she has you and big brother Luci to thank for that."

"What?" Sam and Dean, in unison, as they turned towards Gabriel.

"Your little lady Winchester here has become the first ever Nephalem. I never thought one would or even could be created in such a manor, but I guess with enough anger and passion about the person they were holding, it's possible."

"You mean to tell me Lucifer is passionate about our sister?" Dean was moving from confused to angry fast.

"I wouldn't say it was passion towards her per se, but he was definitely passionate about keeping her from Castiel. I'm betting he saw what the other angels saw, his love for her. That alone is enough leverage to use against Cas."

"How did this happen? Isn't what you're calling her a child of a human and angel?" Sam asked.

"Yes and no. The child of a human and an angel is a Nephilim. A Cambion is half human and half demon. While a Nephalem, which is what we have here, is half angel and half demon. Usually a creation of this nature would come from two of those creatures mating. But with Castiel and Luci both being so passionate about taking her and keeping her, somehow during their angry exchanges their passions bled into their grace which then seeped out and she absorbed their grace creating an entirely new line of grace of her own."

I was trying to process all of the information he just offered us but I just couldn't wrap my head around any of it.

Gabriel walked further into the living room closing the door behind him. He gestured towards the kitchen asking for permission to sit down at the table. I nodded as I followed suit, I grabbed Castiel's hand on my way past him causing him to follow me and sit next to me.

He squeezed my hand softly giving me a half smile.

I'm sorry for taking off.

I leaned over kissed his cheek, laid my head on his shoulder and stared at Gabriel who was watching me intently.

"You're truly in love with him." It was a statement, an observation, not a question.

"What does that matter?" Dean asked sitting at the end of the table as Sam took the other end.

"To anyone else, it doesn't. But to me, everything. I came here wanting to help Castiel get back on Heaven's good side. Just like any other asshole angel I assumed no human could truly love something like us and vice versa."

I narrowed my eyes at him heeding a silent warning.

"But now, watching these two in just this short amount of time... I can read their souls. When a soul has a soulmate it kind of marks it with the other soul, much like claiming it, whether they ever meet or not. Usually they never meet, which is sad. But these two..." he gestured back and forth between me and Castiel.

"These two's souls are basically tattooed with pieces of one another's souls. Pretty soon, their souls will become one no matter who wants it to happen or not." With his last statement he stared at Dean.

"So, he's truly my soulmate? It's not just some puppy-love that he will realize isn't real later on?" I asked staring into Castiel's eyes feeling my heart fill with so much love it was overwhelming.

"As weird as it is, yes."

"Why is that weird?" Dean was eyeing me, watching me closely. I didn't let him know I could see it.

"Angels don't have soulmates." Castiel said not looking away from my eyes, his grip on my hand tightening.

"Not until now." Gabriel added.

"The two of you are a couple of firsts. No wonder why Heaven wants you both dead." He popped another sucker in his mouth as if the statement he just made was not important.

"I'm sorry what did you just say?" Dean was standing now leaning over the table.

Sam was also standing, staring hard at Gabriel.

"Hey, hey," Gabriel's hands were up in defense. "I didn't say I want them dead. At first I was against the whole human loving an angel thing but seeing these two..." He looked from Cas and I quickly back to Dean, his voice hard with anger. "I love my little brother. Don't ever accuse me of wanting to hurt him in any way."

"And Angel?" Castiel looked to Gabriel.

"Cas, I can see the love you have for her. I see your soul, it glows with colors I've never seen a soul have before. Not even Dads. I feel the love within you. We don't get to feel that, the ones who have were smite down or rebooted, you know this. You broke the mold. They tried hard to reboot you, to break you. You never gave in, you fought for her. I'll never let anyone take that away from you as long as I'm living."

"Well didn't this just turn into quite the sappy soap opera." Dean rolled his eyes walking away from the able and pacing the kitchen.

"So, what do we do about Ange being a Nephalem? Is that reversible? Is she no longer human? What does this mean?"

Castiel's facial expressions turned from lovable to sad and worried.

"Dean, it means anyone in the supernatural realm will want her dead."

Sam sat back down, his head in his hands.

Dean's hands went to the back of his head as he stared at the ceiling.

"How do we keep her safe?"

"Well, I've already started the process when we first got here. I added a protective shield around the perimeter of the land, one over the house, and warded the house with an ancient spell that only dad and us arch's know. No angel will be able to locate you or Cas here. Archangels will not be able to enter unless invited. So be careful who you invite onto your property and into your homes. Unless you can see an angel's true form, you'll never know if one is wearing a vessel or not.

"Ok... so what now?" Sam asked.

"Now we see what this girl can do. She needs to tap into her grace, see what she is capable of. You do not want to fear this, Angel, it will hurt your or someone you love if you don't learn how to control it." Gabriel explained.

"As much as I hate to, I agree with him." Cas rose to his feet.

Dean walked through the kitchen to the front door.

"Well alright, let's head out back and see what our bad ass sister can do."

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