Like a School Girl

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     Two hours into the drive I began feeling a little restless and cold. Thankful for Cas telling me to hang on to his coat, I covered my body with it. It being so long that it was able to cover my entire boy, legs and all while I sat in the back seat. As soon as the warmth swarmed me and the scent hit my nostrils, I was a teenage girl with a crush again. My actions did not go unnoticed as Sam cleared his throat and was looking at me through the passenger side mirror. He caught everything through my window. His brows furrowed as his eyes narrowed, I shrugged not knowing what to do. Sam had always been the one to pick up on anything I'd tried to hide first. It usually took Dean a little longer because he just wasn't that focused on details.

Sam cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow in a silent question that I knew he was asking me. I just leaned my head against the window and pulled the coat up to my chin. Sam let out a snicker, lips pulled to the side in an all knowing grin. I closed my eyes and sighed, knowing there would be a conversation about this soon.

My phone vibrated telling me I had a text message. I fished it out of my pocket to see Sam's name across my screen. Okay so it would be sooner than I figured. I looked up to him in the passenger mirror and mouthed 'really?' My phone vibrated again.

     Sam: So, tell me the details.

     Sam: Talk or I bring it up to the entire car.

I sighed knowing I wasn't getting out of this one. I freed both arms from the blanket of a coat on top of me and began tapping on my screen.

          Me: What do you want to know?

          Sam: You and Cas?

          Me: Not hardly.

          Sam: So, what's with your reactions to his coat and when he's close to you? That's right, I've noticed more than you think.

          Me: Can we not?

          Sam: Nope. I want to know how and when this happened.

          Me: It just happened suddenly. There's nothing going on, I'm sure Cas is oblivious to anything. I would always feel different in the dream I had during the coma when he was near. I guess that feeling followed me back when I woke up. I don't know what to think, Sammy.

          Sam: Do you think it's just aftereffects from the coma or does it feel real? If you don't think your emotions and feelings you're having are real, don't bring it up.

          Me: I wasn't planning on bringing it up period. He's 'an angel of the Lord', Sammy. We know he doesn't do well with emotions.

          Sam: I think he could surprise us all, Bug.

          Me: When did you start calling me that again?

          Sam: When you were in the coma, I dreamt about Dad. He called you Bug in the dream and it just felt right. It's been a long time, maybe too long.

My head popped up, my view shot to the mirror. I stared at my brother trying to read his face. Vibration.

          Sam: What?

          Me: Dad was also in my coma dream. Before I woke up. I was in the backseat, you were in the passenger and Dad was driving. You both kept telling me to go back. Dad said it wasn't my time. He told me to go home. He called me Bug.

Sam didn't reply instantly. He stared at me in the mirror and then looked out of the windshield at the road before them.

Did Dad and Sam somehow visit me while I was in the coma? Is that even possible? Can Sam do things like that?

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