Overprotective Dean

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The next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon making my stomach grumble immediately. I rolled over reaching for Castiel but he was no longer with me. Pouting, I slowly forced myself out of bed and into the bathroom for a shower.

"Do I even want to know anything about last night?" Dean asked reaching for another handful of bacon.

"I left as soon as she fell asleep, Dean. No need to bring out the guns." Castiel groaned.

Dean eyed him, looking for any sign of guilt from lying. Satisfied with the answer he was given, he returned his attention back to the pile of bacon in front of him.

"I don't understand how you haven't had a heart attack yet." Jody observed his plate full of fried pig fat.

"God needs me fit and healthy, I guess." He shrugged stuffing more bacon into his already bacon-filled mouth.

"According to Bug, not anymore. Have you checked in on Adam recently?"

Sam was sitting next to Dean eating his own breakfast that consisted of yogurt, fruit, and orange juice.

"I tried calling him a few times after we arrived last night, no answer."

Sam looked over to Castiel,

"Cas, think you could angel vision in on him, just to make sure he's safe?"

Castiel nodded and closed his eyes. His brows rose before he opened them quickly.

"He's fine. He's more than fine." He insisted, shaking his head as if trying to remove an image he just witnessed.

"Yeah?" Dean laughed an approving laugh. "That's my boy!" he proudly stated to no one in particular.

Sam eyed him in annoyance.

"So it's ok for Adam to do his thing but not Ange?"

Dean's approving smirk disappeared as he narrowed his eyes at his brother.

"Ange is a girl. It's different with ladies."

This sparked Jody's attention. With a raised eyebrow she turned away from the stove, crossed her arms, and zoned in on Dean.

"That's one of the most sexist remarks I have ever heard you make, Dean Winchester."

Dean's eyes went wide from the chastising tone in Jody's voice.

"She's my little sister." He argued.

"And some of those girls you bedded without a second thought weren't someone else's baby sister? Or even better, someone else's little girl?"

Intrigued with the scene unfolding in front of them both Castiel and Sam turned their undivided attention to Jody and Dean.

"That's not fair, Jody." Dean pointed an accusing finger at her.

He was shocked to feel a smack at the back of his head. He looked up to see Bobby walking past him and towards Jody.

"Don't you point at her with that tone." Bobby reprimanded. "She's right. You're being bias when it comes to Ange. It's not fair to her or the ones who have ever tried getting close to her."

"Hey, I didn't force any of those women to do things with me." Dean raised his hands in defense.

"And no one is forcing Ange to do anything with them. You have to let her grow up, Dean." Sam added to the debate.

Dean narrowed his eyes at everyone before they landed on Cas.

"Is this your doing?" he shot an accusatory glare towards him.

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