The Attacks

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When I woke up I was back in my room at Bobby's. I slowly sat up not sure of what happened to me in the shed. My head was pounding and my chest felt like it had been hit with a 2×4. My hand went to my head instinctively to try to ease the throbbing. Making my way down the stairs, I found everyone in the living room.

"Ange, how are you feeling?" Dean asked jumping to his feet.

"I feel like I was hit by lightning." I answered allowing him to guide me to the couch, sitting me next to Jody.

"Cas said you just fainted." Jody said feeling my head with the back of her hand.

"You don't seem feverish. You looked fine when you left the kitchen, did you feel ok then?

"I was fine until he popped in and scared me." I answered. "He wrapped his coat around me and then it all became cloudy, and everything went black." I sat forward resting my elbows on my knees, my head in my hands.

"Where is he?" I asked looking up to scan the room.

"He ran to get some kind of herbs for a tea that he swears will help your dizzy spells. He thinks these are anxiety or panic attacks. Are you sure you're okay?" Dean asked kneeling down to my level and looking into my eyes.

"I feel fine now but they come out of nowhere."

"What were you doing before it happened?" Jody asked.

"I was in the shed just reminiscing." I said looking down at my lap.

"You were in your shed?" Bobby asked.

"I was." I smiled at him.

"Ange, I wish you'd have waited...I turned that into a storage shed when you decided to hunt full time with your brothers." Bobby felt guilty for removing my things, but he didn't need to.

"Don't worry about it, Bobby; I was just taking a stroll down memory lane. I was fine the entire time until Cas showed up scaring the life out of me. I swung around and clocked him right in the nose."

"Yeah, we saw that." Dean chuckled.

"Oh God, did I hurt him?" I asked worried that I hurt Cas. Could I even hurt an angel?

"I'm just fine, Angel." Castiel appeared in the kitchen doorway making his way into the living room with a mug consisting of a hot liquid.

He offered the mug to me which I cautiously accepted. I leaned over the mug inhaling the steam as I peered at the angel standing before me.

"What is this?" I asked not being able to place the smell.

"An herbal tea. The herbs are from Egypt, they will help sooth your anxiety. I have some more if you think you'll need them." He answered.

I placed the mug on my lips slowly tipping it upward. The hot liquid felt good on my lips where as a cup of coffee this hot would have burned me. I allowed it to pour into my mouth tasting a variety of different herbs. Swallowing, I felt the tea gliding down my throat and the heat of it filling my stomach.

Everyone began talking amongst themselves as I sipped on my tea. I could feel the effects taking place already. I was beginning to relax, a little too much. I felt like I needed to sleep. I stood placing the mug on the coffee table in front of me stumbling towards the stairs.

"What the hell did you give her?" I faintly heard Dean demanding answers from Castiel.

"They are natural herbs, Dean, they will not hurt her. She just needs to sleep."

When I woke up I was on the couch covered in a blanket, alone. I walked the entire house looking for everyone. Making my way outside, the sun was just setting creating a beautiful canvas for the oranges, pinks, and purples to dance across.

I must have slept the entire day away.

Walking the perimeter of the scrap yard, still unable to locate any of them, I turned back towards the house to fetch my phone. Back in my bedroom swiping through my contacts I created a group message with everyone in it asking where they were.

Me: Hey guys, I woke up to an empty house, no note, where did you all run off to?

No response.

Me: Guys? Is there a hunt I need to be on with you?


I waited for a few minutes then sent another text.

Me: I'm starting to freak out here. Someone please tell me you're ok.

I waited for a response for over an hour only to sit in silence and work up such a worry that my chest was beginning to hurt again and my fingers were tingling.

Maybe I am having panic attacks. I thought to myself.

I grabbed one of Dean's jackets, a set of keys to one of Bobby's vehicles and headed towards the makeshift garage where everyone parks their cars. When I rounded the corner I noticed the Impala sitting there.

What the hell?

Walking around it slowly, inspecting every inch of her my panic began to rise again. My chest was hurting, I felt like I was gasping for air. I couldn't breathe.

Where is everyone? Dean would have never left Baby sitting here if they left on a hunt.

I walked further into the area noticing Jody's car and Bobby's truck still sitting in their respective parking spots. My head began to spin. My body began to shake.

Cas! Cas where are you?

My hand felt like it was being squeezed as it tingled again.

I fell to my knees clutching my chest as the pain intensified. Gripping onto the door handle of the Impala, I slowly pulled myself up. Before I reached my feet I was hit with the sharp pain again. It felt as if jolts of electricity were knocking me to the ground each time I tried to get back up.

Cas, please. This isn't a panic attack; I think I'm having a heart attack. Please help me.

I prayed and prayed, tears streaming down the sides of my face. Gripping the ground as if it would fall from under my any second.

The pain was knocking the breath out of me. I lay on the ground staring up at the sunset streaked sky and then I heard it. Dean's voice.

"What the hell is going on? Why isn't she responding?

Dean? Where are you? I can't see you. I called out.

"Dean," it was Castiel's voice. "Give her some space."

"Get off me, Cas; don't tell me what to do. She's our sister. She's my responsibility. I can't lose her." Dean's voice sounded so broken it was making me cry even more.

"Dean, she's crying. She's still in there." A familiar voice spoke up.

"Back off, Dean, I can feel her. Calm down." Castiel demanded.

What's going on, why can't I see any of them? Am I stuck in the vail? Did the tea Cas give me kill me? Whose voice is that, it sounds so familiar....

The sharp pains subsided and I was able to relax enough to catch my breath. After a few minutes of sitting against the Impala I climbed to my feet to make my way back to Bobby's house. I sat on the couch squeezing the arm; I could have sworn I felt something squeeze my hand back. I laid my head back against the cushions and let myself drift off into another deep sleep.

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