1. Discontent

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A/N: Sasuke has been away from the village 2 years. Boruto and Sarada are toddlers, Himawari isn't born yet.


Naruto sat in his office. The soft tick of the clock lulling him to sleep. He had always wanted to be Hokage but he hated the extensive amount of paperwork that came with it. Kakashi-sensei must have never done anything huh. Naruto sighs and he tries to read some document he is currently working on. His completed pile of paper lay next to him and at some point as he knows he will stop reading them and just sign whatever it is he needs to. If theres a random new monument or something somewhere so be it.

Finally when the sun has set and it was beginning to be too late, Naruto looked at his stack of papers to complete and stuff he has completed and decided to bring the completed papers to Shikamaru. What cannot be done today is best left for tomorrow dattebayo!

He headed home, and Hinata greeted him as he walked in. He did not see his son Boruto, but as he looked at the clock again he realized it was 10pm so of course the young blonde would be sleeping by now.

"Hi honey. You're home late...again." Hinata's voice showing only concern for her husband when he came in.

"Yeah theres a lot of work to do and renovations for the village. I have to sign off on all of it, while assigning things to everyone else."

"Well, there's dinner on the stove if you want to eat. Otherwise I can just put it away."

"I would love to eat now, I had lunch hours ago." Naruto was in fact starving. His 3 bowls at Ichiraku held him over but then he didn't eat anything after lunch.

As he was eating, his thoughts were kind of hazy. Is this his life now? Everyday getting up early and just walking to the Hokage's office and doing all of this paperwork and having meetings. Then coming home late, eating dinner going to sleep. Never really speaking to his son, or wife. Why does it feel like something is missing. Like something is supposed to be there but it isn't.

"Naruto?" Hinata saw his distressed state. "Is something bothering you?"

"No...I'm just tired is all." Naruto smiled at her, which eased Hinata's worry. Even if the smile was fake and Naruto didn't believe it.

Naruto went to bed unable to sleep. Hinata slept soundly next to him. He looked through his window at the moon. A cresent in the sky. I wonder if he can see it too. I wonder where he is and what he is doing.


Sasuke was awake at the very same time. He reflected on his choice to leave the village. Why did he leave? The answer on the surface was, to atone for his sins. But it was more like a way to get away from his wife, away from his responsibilities as a father and to get away from Naruto.

It was not like he didn't love his child, Sasuke cared for her...in his own way at least. He just couldn't stand the idea of being the husband of Sakura Haruno. I only married her really cause no one else would be there, I needed a kid, and she was so willing to marry me even after everything I did. She was so obsessed with me for the longest time. But who else would I have married? It's not like I could marry---

Sasuke forced himself not to think about him. They never were a thing and never were going to be a thing. Naruto made his choice and married Hinata just like everyone wanted. Just like it was expected. So, Sasuke was forced to move on as well.

After their fight in the Valley, Sasuke laid there bloody and exhausted. All his anger had actually fell apart. It might have been just the haze from losing too much blood or the fact that he believed he would die but he could have sworn he heard Naruto say those three words. Yes, those words. But it was never mentioned again. Not even when Sasuke spoke to Naruto the day right before the wedding when he needed an answer more than anything else in the world.

"Naruto. I have to know, the day we had that fight after the war ended...and you beat me did you...say what I thought you said."

"What did you think I said?"

"You said-- you know what nevermind...I-I am going to go." I am so stupid why did I have the urge to ask him...It's not like he's going to call off the wedding. I'm insane. "Have a good day tomorrow Naruto and...Congratulations."

The last word he said to Naruto that day tore his heart apart and he couldn't bear to see Naruto's face anymore. He couldn't attend the wedding without a breakdown. So he didn't. Sasuke left without a trace, and later the next day he sent out the letter saying Congratulations. But little did he know it did not reach Naruto, it reached Sakura. Which only fed her already obsessive belief that she loved him.

Sasuke never had any feelings for Sakura. He found her annoying at best during his childhood, when he left for Orochimaru and Sakura practically begged him to stay he felt disgusted. What did he do to earn her love? This love she professed to him, what was it? It was an obsession. Sakura only saw the surface of Sasuke. Even when she saw the deeper parts, how he was willing to kill her and how he beat up Naruto in the valley the first time. Sakura could still not get rid of her obsession for him. She even made Naruto promise to bring him back. When Sasuke heard that he was very disappointed, sad that Naruto was not following him of his own will and only because the pink haired kuniochi would not let go of her unrelenting physical attraction toward him.

So why marry her if he did not love her in the slightest? Well Sasuke did not hate Sakura. He found her to be a strong woman which is a striking contrast from her youth always screaming for him or Naruto to save her for the longest time. Sakura also was not stupid and was pretty resourceful. She was only stupid in the aspect that she believed Sasuke loved her. He also married her because it wasn't like he could marry Naruto.

When Sasuke would sleep with Sakura and she would never reject him. He almost felt bad about it, but was reminded of the fact that she had practically been begging for his dick forever. So he didn't care. In the back of his mind wished that the person he was screwing whenever he wanted was Naruto and not Sakura. But dreams don't come true, and Sasuke knew he didn't deserve Naruto after all the things he did to him.

When Sasuke found out that Sakura was pregnant Sasuke was both sad and happy at the same time. He would be able to rebuild the Uchiha clan. He was no longer the last Uchiha. But he still was, his brother was no longer there or any of his family could see him and his family grow. Sasuke also did not want the responsibility of being a father. He felt like he would screw it up just like his Dad basically did to him and Itachi. Or Sasuke did not want Sarada to know him. Sasuke felt like he wasn't someone she could be proud of. (He used to be a part of a terrorist organization after all...)

When he left the village he left his fake family behind and he left his only true love out of fear and hatred for himself. Maybe it's time I tried to make amends with him, and actually see my daughter. It would be nice to see him again.


Author's Opinions:
(You can totally skip this lol)

NaruSasu or SasuNaru is literally my favorite ship. Just them together. They are an OTP.

Also sorry not sorry if you like Sakura and Sasuke together or whatever. Sakura only liked Sasuke cause he was hot. (which he is) Rock Lee was right there! A good guy who actually would give Sakura the time of day and she rejected him. Rock Lee is not hot but he would probably die for Sakura but she only gave a shit about Sasuke because he was attractive. That is literally it. Sasuke literally tried to kill her and she still "loved" him.

Don't get me started on when she tried to tell Naruto "I love you"

Naruto actually cares about Sasuke for who he is and their connection as "best friends"

About NaruHina: I don't mind Naruto and Hinata together actually I think they are really okay and they work. It makes much more sense than SasuSaku to me.

Sorry for the long author's note here.
Thanks for reading!


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