I Will Wait.

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Characters: Damon, Stefan, Caroline, Bonnie, Elena, Kol.  Klaus, Elijah, John, Isobel, Kai, Liv, Luke, Jo and Katherine all mentioned

Enzo watched Bonnie, proud that she was living her life, travelling the world and enjoying it. Experimenting with new spells, making new friends... Enzo couldn't be happier. "I will wait for you, love." Bonnie turned around with a frown as though she'd heard Enzo, but soon shrugged and carried on walking down the Great Wall.

Elena looked at her parents' graves, side by side next to John and Isobel's. She loved them with all her heart, and missed them just as much, but she knew they were happy wherever they were. She knew she'd see them one day, whenever the day came when they would take her in once more. "I will wait for you, mom." She whispered as she touched the top of the mother's grave.

Stefan watched as Caroline cried at his grave, his heart aching because she couldn't see him. He'd seen her build the school, accept Klaus' child into said school. He'd seen her fall in love with Klaus all over again, seen her cry over his grave, and everything in between. Stefan knew it would be a while before he would ever see her properly again, and that hurt him more than anything. "I will wait for you, Caroline."

Bonnie traced the letters on Enzo's headstone, a single tear slipping down her face. She was waiting. Waiting for a sign that Enzo's spirit was still alive. She'd consulted a witch in Japan, one that was experimenting with that sort of magic. It had been three days and she'd got nothing as of yet, but she still had hope. "I will wait for you, Enzo."

Kol stood alone at night, the winter after Klaus and Elijah took each others' lives. He was sat on the bench that had been placed opposite their graves, staring at their individual headstones. They both deserved so much more than a rock in the snow. Kol thought. They lived a thousand years, for Gods' sakes. Just then, a lump of snow fell from nowhere onto Kol's head. Kol laughed and brushed it off. "I'll wait for you, brother. Don't take me out yet."

Damon sat by the fireplace, a half-empty bottle of bourbon in his hand. He stared into the flames, wondering how the hell suddenly everyone was dead. Tyler he'd obviously killed; but then there was Enzo, Klaus and even Elijah. Not to mention everyone else who had died that Damon hadn't really paid much thought to. Jo, Luke, Liv, Katherine (not that he missed her), Kai (or him) and... Stefan. Damon, now human with a little girl called Stefanie, still sometimes couldn't handle the loss of his brother, still sometimes woke up in the middle of the night, thrashing from a nightmare that Elena had to calm him from. "I'll wait for you, brother." He heard over his shoulder. Damon spun around in his chair, but there was nobody there. "Stefan, you ass."

There we go, hope you enjoyed for how short it was lmao

Thanks for reading, Isaac :))

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