Giuseppe Salvatore

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I despise Giuseppe with every inch of my being, and I'm proud of Stefan for killing him. I slightly changed the story of how Damon and Stefan became vampires to suit this one.
Characters: The usual gang barring Alaric and Jeremy.
Pairings: Damon/Elena (no slash)
Warnings: mentions and descriptions of child abuse/ abuse
Summary: Giuseppe Salvatore is in town. Nobody knows how, but he's here.

"STEFAN! STEFAN, GET DOWN HERE NOW!" Damon yelled, not taking his eyes off of the figure stood in front of him. They had yet to greet each other, but Damon already knew the man was no friend. Stefan was at Damon's side in a second, and instinctively took a couple of steps back. "This is not happening." He whispered.
"Hello to you too, boys." Giuseppe Salvatore smiled his wicked smile, making Damon's insides churn. "Would you do your father a favour and tell me how I got here?" Both brothers just stared at him incredulously. "Well? The last thing I remember is Stefan ripping my throat out, then here I am! How did I get here, and where exactly is here?" He added, looking around the Boarding House. 

"You're in Mystic Falls." Stefan said, moving next to Damon. "It's 2012, you're at the Salvatore Boarding House and we have no idea how you got here." Giuseppe took a step back in shock. "2012? How the hell is it 2012? It was 1864 just a minute ago!" Damon then shocked the other men by moving forward and grabbing Giuseppe's shoulder. "We can touch each other then. Excellent." He said sarcastically, stepping back into place next to Stefan. 

"We're expecting company for a dinner party. Make yourself at home in the next room, we can sort this out later." Stefan said. Giuseppe didn't respond. Instead, he walked over to Damon's stash of bourbon and poured himself half a glass. "Careful, that stuff's stronger than you remem- ok then." Damon said as Giuseppe swallowed the whole contents in one mouthful.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Stefan moved to answer it, but Giuseppe stepped in front of him. "No no, it's fine Stefan, I'll get it." Stefan stopped in his tracks and nodded as Giuseppe threw open the door. "Hey! Oh, sorry, who are you?" Caroline asked as she walked onto the threshold followed by Bonnie and Matt. "Oh please forgive me, I'm Giuseppe Salvatore. I'm Damon and Stefan's father." 

It was almost comical. All three teens' jaws dropped open at the same time before they came to their senses and closed them. "I'm sorry, aren't you... dead?" Caroline hesitantly asked. Giuseppe chuckled, making Damon's heart clench even more. "Yes, yes I was. The last thing I remember is dying in 1864, then waking up here about five minutes ago. It's strange, my sons and I are going to solve the issue later. Please, sit down. Stefan, get these wonderful people a drink." Stefan nodded again. 

Neither brother had said a word since their friends' entry to the house. The teens took seats on the couches as Stefan poured them each a glass of bourbon. Damon slid his way to his brother's side and whispered so nobody could hear him. "What the hell are we gonna do? He's playing Mr Nice Guy, none of them know what he's done!" Stefan shrugged. "We'll just have to hope he continues playing Mr Nice Guy and explain to them later." Damon glared at his brother. He didn't want Giuseppe anywhere near his friends, especially not Elena.

Speaking of, the next ones to arrive were Elena, Tyler and Enzo. Damon opened the door and greeted them upon entry. Elena hugged him, Tyler thanked him for the invite and they both made their way into the living room where they immediately came to a halt. Enzo, after sharing a concerned look with an obviously on edge Damon, did the same. "Oh, I know who you are." Enzo said slowly. 

Giuseppe greeted them with a smile only Damon, Stefan and Enzo could see was cold, and moved forwards. "Please, come in. I'm Giuseppe Salvatore, I'm Damon and Stefan's father. As I was explaining to these wonderful people already here, my sons and I are going to solve this later, because we don't know how I managed to get here." Elena smiled and shook his hand, announcing herself as Damon's girlfriend. 

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