When You Were Mine (Denzo)

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Ok ( I really need to stop starting with that word) I wrote this at 3am last night, please be kind. Stefan and Elena don't know about Damon in Augustine and Elena was the only one captured. Also I spent the past half an hour editing that picture, check it out :))
Characters: Damon, Enzo, Stefan, Elena, Whitmore
Pairings: Damon/Enzo, Damon/Elena (mentioned)
Warnings: None
Summary: Damon and Enzo spent five years in captivity together. What else could be expected apart from love?

Damon paced back and forth in the living room of the Salvatore Boarding House. Stefan, Caroline and Alaric had gone to retrieve Elena from Augustine. Damon had wanted to go, but he was too afraid to go back to that place. The five years he spent there in the '50s was enough for him, thank you very much. Just the thought of that place made his chest constrict and sent a bubble of nausea rise within him.

Damon chewed his thumb nail as he paced back and forth, anxiously waiting for his brother and girlfriend to return. He was just about to pour himself a half glass of bourbon when he heard a car pull into the driveway. He flung the door open just in time to see that Stefan and Elena were getting out of the car. Even from the porch, Damon could hear them arguing. Relief flooded through him until he realised what they were arguing about.

"...to go back! We can't just leave him there!" Elena shouted, slamming the car door. "Elena, we only just got you out of there, we are not going back!" Stefan answered. "Whoa... what's going on here?" Damon asked as Stefan and Elena merely brushed past him and continued into the hallway. "There was someone else in the cell next to mine, Damon. A man." Damon's stomach dropped. This could not be possible. "What?" He choked. Neither Elena nor Stefan picked up on his astonishment. "Yeah, he was British, he said his name was... Enzo, or something like that." Damon could've sworn his heart actually stopped for a few seconds. "E- Enzo?" He stammered. "Yeah." Elena replied, looking at Damon suspiciously.

Damon felt himself go pale. How was that possible? Enzo died in 1958... didn't he? "What... did he tell you when he was brought in?" He asked Elena urgently. Both Stefan and Elena shared a confused glance. "No, only that he'd been there a long time, since the... 40s? I think?. He said he had a friend at one point, another prisoner, but that he escaped and left Enzo for dead... Enzo forgave him eventually, but he never got over it." Damon gasped. Enzo... forgave him?

Damon staggered back a bit in shock and Stefan sped over and grabbed his upper arm to steady him. "Whoa, Damon. You okay?" Damon shook his head and, with a little of Stefan's help, walked into the living room, collapsing onto one of the couches. Elena and Stefan followed suit, occupying another couch opposite him. "Elena..." Damon began, looking at the girl in question. "...tell me everything you know about Augustine and Enzo."

Elena knew quite a lot. Enzo had told her his friend was there 1953-1958, that they formed a plan to escape but the friend bailed on him. She was told about how close they'd gotten, how they'd comforted each other after each day of torture. She was told how Enzo's friend had waited for his brother to find and rescue them, only for that to never happen. She knew about what the Augustine Society did, what they had done to Enzo and his friend in the past. She had seen the other patient's subject number, initials and '53carved into the wall, but hadn't known what it meant. "I assumed it was Enzo's friend, but when I asked of his name, Enzo wouldn't tell me."

Damon sat in total silence for a long time. Enzo was alive. That meant that Damon had left him at the hands of Augustine. A fresh wave of guilt washed over him. He'd been left alone, tortured every day of his life and Damon had had no idea. At least before, when Damon didn't know Enzo had survived, Damon had the small comfort that at least Enzo had died and not had to suffer through the horrors of he Society alone. "Damon." Damon suddenly became aware of Stefan crouched in front of him, waving a hand in front of his face. Damon blinked and mentally shook himself. "We gotta to back." He choked.

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