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Okokok I'm really sorry for this being OOC, I couldn't help myself. It's not too OOC though, don't worry. Anyways, it's set after Damon is told that Katherine is alive in S1, so yeah.
Characters: Damon, Stefan and Katherine (mentioned)
Pairings: Damon/Katherine (mentioned)
Warnings: a little OOC
Summary: "She never cared, Stefan."

When Stefan walked into the room, Damon was sat by the fire, a glass of bourbon in his hands. Stefan stood in the entrance for a few seconds, then sighed and moved to sit in the armchair next to his brother. He didn't say anything, he just watched as Damon stared into the fire and drank his glass of bourbon. They sat like that until Damon finally finished his drink with a short 'aah'. Then, he stood and walked across the room towards his stash. Stefan observed him carefully, not wanting Damon to drink so much that he gets drunk, but the older man only placed his glass on the table then made his way back over to his chair in front of the fire. Once Damon was seated, he resumed his glaring into the flames, not sparing Stefan even a glance.

Stefan couldn't even imagine what was going through his brother's mind right now. He'd just been told that girl he'd been pining over for 145 years has been alive this whole time, she just didn't care enough to let him know. Stefan couldn't help it, he felt kind of bad for Damon. Everything Damon had been doing since they turned was in an effort to get Katherine back, and now he's just found out that all of his work was wasted on a girl who didn't want him. A girl who knew what he was doing, she just didn't think it was important. This was all despite the fact that she had told both brothers that she loved them, and that she wanted both of them in her life. 

When Stefan had been told what had happened, he'd felt sick. How could Katherine do such a thing to Damon? True, he's an ass and a jerk and a downright cruel person, but he doesn't deserve this. Everything he'd done, he'd done for her. For Katherine. And she just threw that right back in his face. Stefan had long since accepted that Damon truly loved Katherine and he knew it was only a matter of time before Katherine broke his heart again, but he never expected it to be so soon or in such a harsh way.

"She never cared, Stefan." Damon said quietly, breaking the silence and bringing Stefan out of his reverie. Stefan nodded, but didn't say anything. "After all this time, everything I've done... and she's been alive ever since-..." Damon broke off, seemingly unwilling to finish that sentence. But Stefan knew what he meant. Ever since Katherine had supposedly burned in the church with the other 26 vampires. Damon fell silent again after that, once again lost in thought. 

Both brothers were quiet for a few more minutes until Stefan spoke up. "I'm sorry." Damon looked over at him, tilting his head to the right in order to make eye contact with Stefan. "I'm sorry that happened to you. What she did." Damon kept his head turned towards him, but his eyes were averted to the left. "Hm. Thanks." He said, almost as though he was surprised the word 'sorry' was in Stefan's vocabulary. Damon went back to staring into the fire, and Stefan decided to follow his gaze.

In the long silence that followed, Damon stood and poured both of them a half glass of whiskey. Stefan took it and let the cold liquid burn down his throat. The minutes went past, and all Stefan could think about was the one question he was itching to ask Damon, but didn't dare: was he alright? How was he handling it? Stefan knew Damon was one to hide his emotions, to shut them out and pretend he didn't have them. But he did have them. Stefan knew he did, of course he did. And all that betrayal, that hurt, was amplified with his vampirism. 

Upon realising this, Stefan's mouth moved of its own accord. "Are you alright?" He blurted out, almost instantly regretting it when it looked as though Damon was going to ignore him. However, after about ten seconds, Damon sighed and bowed his head. "I have just been told that the woman I have been fighting for the past 145 years, the woman I thought was unreachable for over a century, is alive and doesn't care about me at all. She knew I was alive this whole time, even knew where I was, yet she never even bothered to let me know she was alright. What do you think, Stefan?" Damon said, turning his face away from the fire to glare at his brother. 

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