The Shrine

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I have no idea where this came from, but have it. It's set around mid season 5 ish. Also I have no idea how 1850s cameras worked.
Characters- Stefan, Elena, Damon, Jeremy (mentioned)
Pairings- None
Warnings- None
Summary- Elena and Jeremy found a cave when they were younger, a cave with history...

Just after noon in the Salvatore Boarding House found Stefan and Elena stood in the kitchen, talking about childhood memories. "You know, Jeremy and I found a cave not far from here a few years ago." Stefan looked up from the letter he'd been reading, one about Elena's college application. "Hm? A cave? Where?" Elena shrugged and sighed as Stefan put the letter on the table. "Near the waterfall. It was on the right, just past the water itself. I was about ten, Jeremy maybe eight, when we found it." Stefan leaned forwards, placing his hands on the table, suddenly incredibly interested in Elena's story. 

"Really? What was, erm... what was in there?" Elena smiled fondly at the memory. "Some really old stuff, I dare say it was your childhood era. Some bottles of alcohol, bourbon mostly, some of them still had liquid in them. Some wooden toys that looked like they hadn't been touched in a hundred years, and a photo." Stefan straightened up. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Damon appear in the doorway behind Elena. His older brother shook his head as they made eye contact- he didn't want to be seen by Elena. "A photograph? What of?" Elena chuckled.

"It was black and white, one of two boys with their arms around each other. They were probably brothers... I remember one looked about seven, the other maybe fourteen or fifteen." Damon and Stefan shared a look. "It had writing on the back. Two initials and a date but I can't remember them. I told Jeremy not to touch anything else, and to put the photo back where it was. I told him those boys were dead by now, and we should leave everything where it was out of respect... almost like a shrine." Elena explained. Stefan and Damon looked at each other again. "You said there were initials on the back of the photograph?" Stefan asked. Elena nodded.
"Yeah. Again, I don't remember what they were, it was so long ago, but-"

"D+S, 1855." Stefan interrupted. Elena stopped short. "Yeah. Yeah, that's it! Hang on, how did you... wait a second." She looked into Stefan's eyes. "You've seen the cave, haven't you?" Stefan nodded. "Wait... the initials..." Stefan waited for it to click. When it did, Elena's eyes went wide. "Damon and Stefan! Oh my god, that picture was of you two?" She gasped, hands flying up to her mouth. Stefan nodded again, a small smile starting to creep onto his features. "Damon and I found that cave when he was eleven. I was only four at the time, but I still remember Damon running into my room, yelling that he'd found a cool place. I was so small he had to carry me up the waterfall. He was too excited, I couldn't keep up with him." He chuckled. Elena laughed, smiling at the irony of it all. "So, how old were you both in that picture?" She asked. "Stefan was eight, I was nearly fifteen." Damon answered, stepping into the room and making Elena jump.

"1855, good year. Stef and I loved that cave. Every day, we went there. As kids we bought toys we weren't allowed at home and stashed them in there. As a teen, I got a weekend job and bought cheap spirits for us to keep in there. Father never found out about our little hiding spot, it was just for me and Stefan." Damon explained, leaving Elena stunned. "I can't believe that was you, after all these years. I've always remembered that cave, always wanted to know who the boys were..."
"Well, now you've met them in person." Stefan smiled as he spoke. "You say everything's still there?" Damon questioned. Elena looked slightly unsure as she answered. "I mean... it was eight years ago, when I was ten. I've no idea if anyone else has found it, but we didn't touch anything except the picture." Damon and Stefan locked eyes. 

"Fancy a trip down memory lane, brother?" Damon asked. Stefan thought for a few seconds, then nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess it won't hurt." Damon nodded and turned to leave the room. "I'll grab a bourbon, just in case." Stefan chuckled and sighed. "We'll be back soon." He said as he made his way out of the room. Elena waved him off as she revelled in the knowledge of who D+S were.

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