Before I Die

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Ok I got this idea from a Harry Potter Tumblr post I saw (above), so naturally I had to write a TVD version. EDIT- I originally wrote this when I was mid- S5/6 of TVD, and I've now finished that and TO, so I'm making a few changes. I know a few of the characters later on are dead/human, but in this they're vampires and alive all the way through :)) (03/11) 
Characters- Usual gang, Lily, Valerie, Klaus and Elijah
Pairings: Bonnie/Enzo, Damon/Elena, Stefan/Caroline
Warnings: None
Summary: everyone wants to do something before they die.

"Ok, everyone has to write down one thing. And one thing only. It can only be one sentence, but it can be anything as simple as 'before I die, I want to learn how to make pasta' or it can be something complex. Be honest with yourself, and take this seriously. Any questions?" 

"I have one." Damon pitched in. Caroline turned to him in mild surprise. "We're doing this 'before I die'... but half of us are already dead." Stefan, Alaric, Caroline and the Mikaelson brothers laughed. "Just go with it, Damon. Any more questions?" Caroline finished her brief to nods, smiles and hums of agreement (she ignored the huff that came from Damon), then handed the A5 notebook to Stefan. 

"You can start, we'll go in a circle." She said, resuming her seat next to Bonnie. Stefan looked slightly unsure of himself and the pen hovered above the paper for a short minute before he scribbled something down and folded the paper to cover his writing. He then passed the book on to Enzo, who sighed and shared a glance with Bonnie. He thought for a second, then quickly wrote something down. Smirking at his girlfriend, he tossed the notebook onto the next couch where the next person, Matt, caught it. He nodded thanks, then immediately started writing. 

"Already knew what I was gonna say before Caroline had even finished talking." He said. A few people snickered in response as Matt passed the book onto Elena. She smiled sweetly, then carefully wrote her answer down. After her was Bonnie, who also smiled as she wrote, then Caroline, who shared a look with Alaric before also writing hers down. Next came Damon. He was slouched on the end seat of the couch, and sighed. 

"I'll pass, but thanks." He got a few outraged noises. "Come on, Damon, we're all doing it!" Enzo said. "Nah, I'll just watch, I'm good." Elena hit his arm lightly. "Come on, don't be such a spoil-sport!" Damon shared a look with Stefan, one of the only people who had remained neutral. His younger brother nodded slightly, then Damon sighed and took the notebook from Caroline. "Fine, if it pleases you." Damon thought for about ten seconds then scrawled something down and folded the paper like everyone else. Caroline smiled as Damon threw the book over to Jeremy, then moved to sit on the right hand side of Stefan. 

Jeremy wrote something down, then Tyler, then Alaric. After him was Klaus. Klaus and Elijah had both remained solemn throughout the process. Neither felt like they should be there, but Caroline had been willing to give them both a chance to participate. Klaus took the notebook and slowly wrote down his wish, then folded the paper neatly and passed it to Elijah, who seemed to already know what he was going to say. He folded the page then, rather than tossing it, he slowly stood from the armchair he was sat in and walked across the room to hand the book to Lily. She smiled gratefully at him, then gracefully wrote hers down in cursive. She covered her answer, then gave it to Valerie, who was last. 

Once she was done, she handed the now separated page and the notebook back to Caroline, who smiled confidently. "Excellent! I'm going to read these out in reverse order, because normal order is boring!" A few people chuckled at that. 

"Valerie: 'Before I die, I want to travel the world.'" Valerie shrugged. "Trapped in a prison world for a century, I've missed out on quite a lot." A few people nodded their heads, then Caroline unfolded the page a bit more. "Lily." Lily stiffened slightly, Stefan and Damon's eyes flicked over to her before going back to Caroline. "'Before I die, I want my... I want my sons to love me.'" Stefan sighed in an almost bored way and Damon scoffed, rolling his eyes and muttering "classic". Most people disregarded the reaction, but Lily's face fell slightly. "Anyways." Caroline continued. 

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