Chapter 21: A Week Later

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A week had passed, the vacation was over and silence—cold hard silence overcame it. Adrien and (M/n) were isolated from each other. Chloe spread rumors that (M/n) had attacked the Model and people began to ignore him too.

He stayed home more often, not even bothering to change their minds. It wasn't worth it. But he stayed as Kitsune, stopping small robberies and avoiding Chat Noir and Ladybug. And so, when he wasn't on duty, he went to 'over Yonder' the Yokai market. He drank sake, went to a hostess club with Raccoon-Yokai service, but he mostly fell asleep to them petting his tail and ears.

(M/n) hadn't bothered going to see Adrien, convincing himself that he was too dangerous to not attack the golden-blond. No one cared to ask about (M/n), the teachers even skipping over his name as if it weren't there in the first place. 

(M/n) sat on a rooftop, mask positioned on his face. The sweet cool feeling of the porcelain was addicting and the cold sensation never went away, it never faded, such as the deep emotions bottling up inside him. 

If he had choked up before on the Beach trip, then none of this would've ever happened. If he just stayed in Paris, in his cozy loft without a care in the world, none of this would have ever happened. 

Suddenly, (M/n) had a thought. 

Snapping his fingers, a direct gate to Over Yonder appeared beside him. Quickly standing, he rushed into the gate, but he paused. "I wanted to turn back time..." he mutters. "But...I would still carry this painful burden." He waved his hand dismissively at the gate, not watching as it disappeared into nothing. 

He plopped back down on the slope of the rooftop, watchful (e/c)-colored hues panned over the beautiful melancholy view of the Eiffel Tower. There hasn't been much activity regarding Hawk-moth, but the heroes of Paris couldn't be to careful on their patrols. "Look at what the cat dragged in. An ungrateful Fox." A shiver went down (M/n)'s spine at the once loving voice of his probably Ex-Boyfriend. 

The (h/c)-haired Fox demon frowned at the cold unforgiving tone, "Adrien..." (M/n) whispered. 

The fox stood to his feet, turning to face his EX.

"I thought you were supposed to be a loner." Chat crossed his arms, glaring at the sight before him. (M/n)'s shoulders were slouched, his lips seemed to be in a permanent frown. He radiated a depressed aura as his eyes fixated on the ground. Not wanting to meet the poisonous jade-feline-like glaring hues. 

He reached up to the ruby-crimson ribbon that kept the cold porcelain on his face, (e/c) jaded eyes closing blissfully as he removed the mask. 

"I'll be moving back to Japan, that way, I'll be out of your way." (M/n) confesses, Chat flinched, eyes watering in shock. 

"W-What?" Chat's voice broke on him, his throat bobbed in disbelief as he tried to desperately form words of resentment. But he couldn't find any. 

(M/n) smiled at him sweetly, he stalked towards him painstakingly slow. Chat looked up at his Ex-boyfriend, lips parted, no sound came out, and Chat's body stayed still. Frozen. 

"This old demon can't fool anyone anymore. I'm sorry, My Love, but it is for the best."  (M/n) kissed Chat's eyelid, cheek, and the corner of his lips. Choking back a sob as he pulled away from him. Placing the porcelain mask in the masked-hero's clawed gloved hands, he hugged the teen one last time

"This is goodbye, tell the others that I did care about them. I left because it was for the best, not because I am running away---" 

A cold hard slap to the face. 

The sound made Chat's and (M/n)'s ears ring. 

The stinging feeling in (M/n)'s face brought back his thoughts of reason. 

"IF YOUR LEAVING--THEN YOU ARE RUNNING AWAY!!" Chat screamed. He brought out his baton, swinging at (M/n) violently as a roar ripped past his throat. (M/n) quickly waved his left hand over his face, forming another mask easily as he jumped away from the angered hero. 

"You can't tell me what to do anymore!! I opened up to you--I gave my everything to you!!" (M/n) shouted back with just as much vigor. His voice was straining and cracking. 

Chat roared again, pouncing on top of the taller male as they wrestled on the rooftop. The clouds began to darken in a dull cold monotonous grey. Punches and wild kicks were thrown at each other. Deep scratches adorned both of their bodies from their attacks. 

They stared at each other, panting, having only fought for ten minutes but it felt like hours of just shouting profanities at one another and blunt hits to their sides and faces. 

The fox demon straightened his stance only to fall backward, his foot had slipped on the slick tile of the roof top that they had been fighting on. Chat finally noticed his surroundings, rain poured down on them. He lurched forward, hand outstretched for the falling demon in front of him. It seemed like time was going in slow motion, (M/n) would fall from a 20 foot drop if he didn't catch him in time. 

But even if he did grab him on time, he would slip from the rain and cause them to both crash down onto the ground. 

Too caught up into his thoughts, (M/n) grabbed ahold of the teenage hero's wrist, pulling him close to his chest as they fell. 

The Hybrid's Cat |Seme! Male! Reader x Chat Noir|Where stories live. Discover now