"Im telling everyone!"

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"Jai, I need to tell you something." I said.

"What?" He said worriedly.

"I...lov..." I started to say and his eyes lit up and he smiled, When the door opens and everyone turns and in walks Holly.......

"Hey!" She smiled widely."


"Holly!" Daniel jumps up and runs over to her and hugs her. My face immediately turned to Jai and he looks down at me and we just stare at one another blankly, and he opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. I take a few steps back and walk to the couch.

Holly walks over to Jai and she hugs him, he places his arms around her and continues to look at me - I just look down at the floor.

"Can we talk?" Holly says to Jai. He nods and they walk upstairs to there room.

I get up and slowly walk to the bathroom, I shut the door quietly behind me and my eyes start pouring tears down my cheeks. I go up to the mirror and just stare at myself, I grip my hair tightly and fall to the floor. I took to long to tell Jai how I felt and I am going to lose him, but he wasn't mine in the first place. What have I started?

I wiped my eyes and slowly walk out the bathroom and head back to the living room. I sit on the couch next to James, he puts a hand on my legs and rubs my knee to reassure me. He leans in to whisper into my ear. "If it's meant to be, then it will find a way." he says and looks back at the tv.

A few moment later, Jai and Holly come downstairs and he looks straight at me, I try to avoid eye contact. Holly looks surprisingly happy and comes to sit next to me before hugging me. Jai heads into the bathroom. "Jai and I are working at things." She says to me, James' face turns straight at us.

"I'm glad" I smile, and get up. I act like I'm going into the kitchen but I head to the bathroom. As soon as I reached the door, I knock quietly and Jai steps out before pulling me inside.

"Holly says you and her are working at thing" I sigh.

"I never said that to her! We never once agreed that! You know I want you Karissa." He says.

"We can't tell them. I don't know what to do" I sit down on the floor.

Jai comes and sits beside me, he rests his head on my shoulder. "This is so fucked up" he says.

"We caused this....Actually you caused this by liking me." I chuckle.

He looks up at me and playfully hits my arm. "You chose to like me back' he said.

It went silent and I stood up. "If we don't want to hurt anyone, then get back with Holly. Let's forget this ever happened" I said.

He shot up and looked at me. "Don't you dare say that!" He said, taking my hand and holding it.

"I don't want to say it, but everyone will hate us." I sigh and pull my hand away. "It's for the best Jai." I say.

"But...you were about to tell me you lov..." He spoke but I stopped him by covering his mouth and opening the door and leaving.

"Sorry." I turned around before heading upstairs.

I went into the spare bedroom and just sat there. When Beau walked in and sat in the end of the bed. He laid across the bed and just looked at the ceiling. I just sat there wondering what he wanted. I felt my eyes close and I must of fell asleep.


I woke up all of a sudden and it was 2am. I looked down at the end of the bed and Beau was gone. I had no one. One minute everything was perfect and I was falling in love with Jai, but then everything goes to shit and now I have nothing. I found myself getting up and going downstairs. I was totally lost in myself and I didn't know what I wanted or what to do with myself. I sat on the couch and just stared at the blank screen of the tv.

Hopelessly In Love (Janoskians Fanfiction) SequelWhere stories live. Discover now